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Hello and welcome to Hollywood. This is no longer Daryl Talks Games this is Daryl Makes MOVIES. This video is gonna be long as hell. This will be my longest video yet by a confident margin. My agent showed up at my doorstep this morning talking about deadlines. I didn't even know I had an agent. I swear to god there was a paparazzi following me through the produce section this weekend.  Leonardo DiCaprio called me yesterday. I woke up in the middle of the night yelling "CUT!" I don't know what the hell is going on. 

But realistically, this is gonna be like a 45-50 minute video. Fuck. Me. I have so much work to do haha. So I'll keep this short and hit you with some updates.

1) Thank you all so much for the responses on the last post. I didn't have time to reply to everyone, but I think I was able to read them all and it was extremely helpful in ironing out this script.

2) Expected release for the video is still November 24th/25th

3) I'll probably run the editing stream on this Friday the 17th since I have to be finished by like the 22nd. Traveling for the holidays, you know how it is.

4) Gonna keep it a buck, I have NO heckin' idea what the December topic will be yet lol, I have ideas but am far from decided. If there is anything you want me to cover or have heard me talk about before, feel free to let me know below!

5) You're stronger than your fears. 

Alright, that's all from me. Now that that's typed, I need to get this voiceover recorded. Send good thoughts, daddy needs them right now. See you Friday!




Thank you so much “daddy”, you are my second most favourite father


Sending daddy all of the good thoughts 🤣 Cannot wait for this though, and if it makes you feel any better, most of the video essays I watch are like 45 min - 2 hours long sooooo that length just makes me even MORE excited. Wish I could help though cause that’s a lot of work for a holiday month! You’re always welcome to send me the script and I can help you edit if you feel like you can’t get it concise enough. Though, I know that’s be major spoilers for meeee xD Cannot wait! Best of luck to you in the coming days!


Oh man then you're *really* gonna vibe with this one then! I appreciate the willingness to help with scripts, if I ever get over my fear of another set of eyes, I might take you up on that haha.