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So I'm writing this script right? It's going really well. I think... That's why I'm here. Answer me this:

What burning questions do you have about my time with the backlog this year? What do you really really want to know about?

It's clear there is a lot of excitement, thank you all so much for that. But specifically, I'd like to know what about this video you're most looking forward to. This will help me iron out what I have to ensure I'm actually addressing what everyone wants addressed if that makes any sense haha.

Thanks everyone. 



I think I would be curious to know if you saw any trends with the style/genre of games that you kept with compared to the ones that you pulled the rip cord on and stopped playing.


Meant to reply to this a bit ago; I'm really curious to know how your backlog has evolved (if at all) over the course of the year; did you add or remove things? I for one really struggled with my planned backlog for this year (a small slice of my full backlog, designed to be a reasonable goal based on my typical available gaming time) My list started with 20 games but I ended up adding 6 games, mostly new releases. I found myself spending the majority of my time this year on new releases, definitely a tough year to carve out time to play old games. I have currently finished (or abandoned in one case) 9 of the original 20 games I planned. Plus 3 more late additions (2 I finished, 1 I abandoned). I think it is unlikely I will get to all of the games I planned to this year; I still need to finish BG3 and TOTK, I have sunk >50+ hours in both of them, which is rare for me, I usually stick to shorter games ~20 hours (SM2 is my GOTY for this reason; struck the right balance of length and quality)