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My friends, become hype. Upload week is upon us once again. In what feels like record time!

Usually it's a 4-5 week window between uploads but this one is here in 3! Hopefully the algorithm gods notice and we can reel in some more eyes. But even if not, I'm very happy about the turnaround on this one. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that it's barely 20 minutes long, and I could simply not be happier about that haha. After the adventure of making the last video (almost 40 minutes), this is SO refreshing. AND it helps me get ready for the backlog video a little earlier 😈

I planned to have some thumbnails for you guys to take a look at and vote on, but somehow I'm just struggling to come up with more. I've been ever so slightly off my thumbnail game lately; maybe we can make a few in the editing stream tomorrow? Or maybe we'll just video edit, we'll see. 

But either way, that should be tomorrow at 11AM CDT. I might have to push to Wednesday at around the same time, but it'll be one of the two. We've had a great turnout for those lately, so come hang out! We would love to have you :)

Not much else on the docket right now, but I will say... Despite keeping the backlog updates very limited... I'm currently on a game right now that I promise you, when I've finished it, I will not be able to shut up about lol. 

It's a good time to be alive my friends. Be grateful for the little things every day, choose to see the good, and take a deep breath. I'll talk to you soon :)



Hype mode engaged. :) Also, congratulations on making a video that's more in the 20-ish minute run time! I know that can be challenging and that you're always particularly excited when you manage it. I've been considering what to play after my Midnight Suns platinum- I had to give up on the Diablo 2 one after my Paladin was one-shot at level 92 by some absolute nonsense- and 13 Sentinels looks... intriguing. Maybe a bit anime for my taste, but at the same time, it is on PS Plus and I can probably spare an hour to try it out. Not sure if I'll make it to the stream tomorrow, but either way, sending much love, support, and hype. :D Take care.


Your excitement and good energy always lifts my spirits, Daryl. Thanks for being awesome! So glad to hear that you’re happy with the next vid and got it done in record time! Can’t wait! Hopefully I’ll be able to join the stream on either day, but I’m not sure. Got a lot of things going on in ye ‘ol day job over here. :)


Hey thanks! Feels good to have a nice little bite size video haha. Bummer about diablo! I know that feeling though, sometimes all at once you realize how much work you have to do or how unbalanced something feels and it's just enough to throw you off. 13 Sentinels is a little anime, but if you like super intertwining narratives that leave you with a lot of questions, this is the perfect game for that. You take care as well!