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Hello my friends, got a question for you. How do you feel about the mic quality on my videos? The reason I ask, is that for almost 2 years now, I can't help but notice comments like these:

And I also can't help but hear it when I'm editing, certain "S" sounds and "ch" sounds come out as super sharp and painful if you're wearing headphones. It doesn't always bother me, it clearly doesn't bother everyone, but I can't ignore it anymore. SO, I've taken some steps to correct this. The first is that I'm moving from the Shure SM7B over to this bad boy:

As I understand it, shotgun mics are about as good as it gets for voiceover. And this one in particular is a little darker and warmer sounding which should cut down on that natural sibilance in my voice. The video above has them compared using the same EQ and the NTG4 seems to be slightly better on those hot "S's".

Let me know what you think there, you can be honest haha. Because the other part is that I think when I process my audio and do an equalization, it's a little high in the particular frequency that brings out some of those S noises. My issue is... I am so unbelievably incompetent when it comes to audio processing haha. I use audacity ffs. I don't know what I'm doing. So if there is anyone here with audio processing experience, I would GREATLY appreciate any feedback you have for me. But with any luck, this next video will sound much much better than usual.

Speaking of this next video, it is going remarkably well. The script is practically writing itself, the research has all lined up very nicely, and I think this will be a video that a lot of people will want to see because it really applies to all of us. I have a thumbnail I really like, but I'm going to force myself to make some more so that you guys can help me pin down the best one haha. Hoping to have the final video uploaded on Oct 20th for you guys, but it might get pushed to the 27th. We'll see. I'd very very much like it to go out earlier so I have more time to make the backlog video spectacular. Send good vibes haha.

Anyways, thanks so much as always, let me know what you think about the mic below, and we'll talk soon :)



Never noticed the sharp S to be honest. However, the new mic does sound a lot crisper.

Wendriel Le Fay

Congratulations on the purchase of the new microphone! I was shocked to see some of those comments, as your voiceover has always been very gentle and soothing no matter what syllables are coming out. That said, I don't often listen with headphones, and I can imagine it may be subjective based on a variety of factors, like particular equipment and sensitivity. In my case, though, I can barely detect a difference between the two mics, so... I'm not much help here. :) I'm excited for the new video, as always! It feels like it's coming very soon after the latest one, but more DTG content is never a bad thing. :) Just remember to schedule in some self-care and downtime as much as you can.