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Hello there! Production on this month's video is going mostly smoothly; should be out on January 28th. Man let me tell you, re-learning to write videos that aren't anchored on a psych study has been an absolute task. I just feel like since there is no empirical study to point to, everything I say has to be absolutely profound.

I think overall it's been good for me though. It's tough, but I'm having a lot of fun honestly. Speaking of psych, how would you guys like another video written like a psych of play soon? Or would do any of the other choices above strike your fancy? Let me know with your vote what you'd like to see in the February video :)

I'm finishing up Portal 2, it's been a treat, frankly it might be a masterpiece. I'm considering briefly start Catherine as well as I pace myself through Outer Wilds. And of course Fire Emblem is just around the corner (still on the fence about it) but the backlog march surges on! We can do this. 

I hope your week is off to a delightful start. You can expect those commentary livestreams... uh... eventually lmao. 



I think you should definitely take a bit more of a break from bringing any psych back into your writing. As much as I love Psych of Play, you left for a reason and are still finding your new feet. I say keep experimenting with new stuff that makes you excited. If something lights up the idea bulb that happens to be psych related, cool, otherwise 🤷‍♀️ Me, I love me any discussion about toxic relationships so that has my vote! Glad to hear that your year is off to a pretty decent start and that you are enjoying Portal games! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Outer Wilds. I haven't picked it up again since I started replaying Dragon Age 2. 😅 Still on the fence about how I feel about that one, but I'm so dang curious I'll get back to it eventually. I took the Monday after Engage comes out off so I can just play it all day. I'll let you know what I think about it if you don't get it right away haha.


Yes please do share your FE thoughts! I'll be video editing most of that weekend so even if I do get it, I probably won't get very deep into it. I appreciate the feedback on the psych bit of this, I kind of agree. I think I just need to separate from it for a bit so that when I do come back to it, it'll be a bigger deal and potentially I'll be able to approach it differently. Enjoy your FE engage day that monday!


Ohhh Catherine is a pretty cool game, I watched a playtrough of it a long while back but I have some pretty good memories from it! Also I just had to vote for Outer Wilds here but all of these seem like pretty cool video ideas and wonder if you will eventually end up doing them all. Altough we already know the inevitable Silksong video has gotta exist right? (June 12th will be upon us any day now...)


The plan is 100% to do them all haha. Just trying to find some priority! And bro. Silksong. The second it drops I’m on it like a bad itch. I’ll play it twice and almost immediately write a video because if it’s half as good as HK then there will be a lotttt to be said.