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Good day my friends. I have some bloopers for you. There aren't that many somehow haha, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless. 

I'll be on an off the grid from now until new years because I'll be traveling quite a bit for the holidays, but I still owe you all a commentary for November and for December. I'll try and get those going here pretty soon. I'd like to get them done before the new year, so look out for those! 

In the meantime, I'll be working on the backlog a bit during the break as well as catching up on just a wee bit of anime. Gonna knock out AI: The Somnium Files (which I have a LOT of thoughts about) as well as a few smaller games to get some momentum going into 2023. If you go to the backlog spreadsheet, you'll notice quite a few more tabs. I went ahead and expanded it to kind of ALL of the media I plan to consume as well as my ratings for them all. The backlog is still the absolute priority, but for my sanity I wanted to get it all in one place haha. Here it is if you are curious:


I hope you are having a very restful and fun holiday season. Talk to you soon!


Wendriel Le Fay

Dragonite the pseudo-Legendary tax writeoff. Love it. :) Your new and improved backlog spreadsheet is a thing of beauty. It even soothed my anxiety to browse through it for a few minutes in between work messes, LOL. I love the evolution of it, from a tool to codify and review the backlog into a live document of all the media you've engaged with and data on your reactions to it. It's going to rival your footage library for my favourite thing soon. :D I've been trying to build momentum with shorter games as well, and also been trying to emphasize finishing the games I've started. I finally got through the ME Legendary Edition at just under 100 hours (though I did have to stop the achievements when the EA Play thing broke them, so it was mainly just a story run at the end) and completed Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear. I might just be dumb, but I couldn't figure out how to progress the story at a certain point, so I just turned Story (read: Invincibility) Mode on and killed things until I saw credits. :D I've also just finished up The Darkside Detective, which is a quite short but hilariously written adventure game. Would recommend, though not as much as the House in Fata Morgana. And I started up Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice... oh, my, that one is a treat. It's like God of War's bleak schizophrenic cousin so far. I love it. :) Happy holidays, and enjoy the time away! :)


Have a great holiday! SO excited to hear your thoughts on AI, I've played both games and they are quite the adventures.


Those extra 5 hours logged for the MELE are probably just for checking in with Garrus ;) Gotta make sure he's doing his calibrations right.