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Stream link: https://youtu.be/1iJ19gXp7aE

Come on in, the water is fine :)


Lofi editing - "freeze" (5/10/2022)

brain full, help



Can't catch the stream today, I'm in a meeting at work 😭 Are you a bo burnham fan? Not sure if "come on in, the water is fine" is an Inside reference, or if I'm reaching. He just released outtakes from Inside and they are every bit as good as the special itself (if you're a fan). Anyways, hope you're well!


Oh no! What a bummer! No worries, we’ll be doing a larger stream next week 😁 And I have heard that name all over haha, but honestly have no clue who that dude is 😅


Yayyy, I'm excited! Bo Burnham is a comedian! Inside is his newest special on Netflix, which was written, shot, and edited entirely by him, in one single room for a whole year, during quarantine. I promise you've never seen anything like it. I know you probably have so much stuff to do and play and watch, but it made a big impact on my life and I could never forgive myself if I didn't take the opportunity to recommend it!