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What's up fellow champions! ... Idk where that came from lmao, but hey.

I am about halfway through with editing the losing Psych of Play, somehow I may have kept it to below 20 minutes for a change! It's pretty concise, which is something I'm working on. I felt like with the Shiny Pokemon episode my writing was a bit all over the place, so you'll probably find this one will be much more to the point. I think it flows a bit better. Above you'll see a joke that I did decide to shoehorn in haha, so enjoy this little preview.

Tomorrow around 11AM cst, I'll likely do the lofi editing stream, so I hope to see you for that!

This video will be finished by this weekend, but it won't actually release until May 21st (20th for y'all).  This is due to the sponsor I mentioned last week. Aaaaand thanks to that, I'll be hopping right back in to make the next episode pretty quickly haha. No off time.

I know our 2nd place vote was the "why people do nuzlockes/self imposed challenges" video, but I might push it back a month to instead hit another idea I had that just came to me. I'm way more excited about it and honestly, it's a similar vein as the one you guys voted 2nd for. More excitement = easier to write for me, so since I'm in crunch time, I think we'll be doing that. More on that topic soon ;)

Anyways! What are you playing/watching? Let me know down below and I hope you are doing well! 

This weekend was the Kentucky Derby and the LEAST LIKELY horse to win won the whole thing which... is a bit unprecedented in the horse world. This horse was literally the least favorite to win and it came storming back in the final stretch to steal it. A lot of people won a lot of money betting I'm sure lmao. All that to say, don't ever count yourself out, anything can happen :)





Thanks for the update! It’s always fun to get some insight into your creative process. I just finished watching Dimension 20’s fantasy high season 1. I have never been big into D&D but there was something that just caught my attention about the characters and the idea of collaborative storytelling! Plus the campaign wasn’t so long that I get lost for weeks. Overall a much better experience than expected.


I do enjoy reading these and appreciate that you try to keep us informed of what's going on in the work flow. I have a few more episodes of Spice and Wolf season 1 to finish then I would like to watch Spy x Family but my anime watching recently has been lack luster to say the least, been playing too much league of legends and Zenith.


Very nice! I am so far removed from the D&D and TTRPG world. At some point I'd like to get really weirdly into it because I think the whole collaborative storytelling bit would make for an excellent Psych discussion.


Of course! Spy X Family, from what I've seen so far, is super wholesome. I don't think the plot will blow anyone away, at least in the first few episodes, but if you want something that you can't stop grinning at, it'll get the job done.