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You ever completely butcher a poll on Twitter? Happened to me lmao.

If you saw me put those 2 polls out, know that uh... yeah those were a complete waste and will have no bearing on the next video haha. Essentially, I asked in the polls if people would rather a game get hard after losing or easier. People, understandably, felt conflicted about this because in both cases the game would punishing them for losing one time. It would either suddenly get more difficult if they failed to one-shot the boss or patronizingly easier. So people kind of perseverated on that instead of the intended thing I was trying to get at. 

The original tweets if you haven't seen:



In essence, the polls weren't measuring what they were supposed to measure. The INTENT was to replicate some findings from this study:


where after losing, people tend to overestimate their next performance. I'll talk more about this in the next video, but feel free to take a peek if you like!

With that behind me, I was able to finish up the script for the losing video that you all voted in last week, so get hype for that :) I'll be doing music/clips/footage next and voiceover later this week.

In the spirit of taking an L, I feel it's only appropriate that the polls were complete busts haha, but out of those ashes rose a dumb idea.

A dumb idea that I'm totally rolling with. 

Attached you'll see what is a bit of an early look at the "new Psych of Play on Saturday" teaser that I post on the YT community tab before a video drops. It's definitely not finished, but I'm pretty sure I'll be using this as the foundation for the graphic, maybe polish it up some and see how it looks. 

Anyways, games? Homie I don't play them anymore. If it's not MTG Arena or working on this video, miss me with it. 

This will definitely change in the future, but for right now that's kind of the hand I'm dealt haha. Unfortunately for me but fortunate for you, there will be 2 episodes dropping within 2 weeks of one another! May 21st, then June 4th. This is because of a sponsorship scheduling requirement, which is fine. However it will mean for me that when I usually have a break between videos, I'll actually immediately have to start on the next one and get it out in time to make that deadline. 

Send me your energy. I'll need it.

That said, I'm weirdly excited to see if I can pull it off or more accurately, if I can pull it off and both videos still be as good as I'd like. I guess we'll find out! Oh yeah! The Anime Psych of Play goal on Patreon has been met thanks to an extremely kind anonymous Patron, so that will be on docket in the next few months. Maybe July? 

Keep those heads up this week, Mondays suck but they always pass. :)




Crunch time mate, get the bread. Lol, keep up the good work.


Hey Daryl! I have been thinking about the time I suggested you could voice a childrens book because your voice is very soothing! I think I found an amazing book for that. The little prince from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry