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Happy Monday my friends, I hope you had a sensational weekend.

A couple of updates for you! Tentatively, there is an April Fools video in the works, so look forward to that haha. I won't say too much in case it get away from me, but I'm looking forward to a little bit of shameless shitposting.

The next Psych of Play (per your votes last month) will be on the psychology of hunting down/grinding for strange items in games. Shiny Pokemon, limited edition items, weird achievements, etc. I have some good research on it and I think it will make for an interesting video. I already have a few examples from my own time with a few particular games, but what about you? Have you ever put in a stupid amount of effort for an incredibly rare item or achievement in a game? Have you ever shiny hunted? If yes to either, why? How did finally getting the thing feel?

In other news, I have a strange idea for a video I'd love to run by you. This would not be a psych of play or even a video essay... almost like a vlog documentary. But the video would be titled something like "I attacked my backlog" or "How I finished by backlog in a month". Essentially, it would be a video where I detail my experience of trying to actually clear my game and or anime backlog over a set period of time by MASSIVELY binging it all. No clue if this will ever happen, in fact it probably won't, but I am tired of having such a massive backlog and my brain was trying to figure out how to monetize getting through it lmao.

I have officially pumped the brakes on Elden Ring. The game just keeps going and i have hit a rough difficulty spike. In the mean time I just picked up a game called ANNO: Mutationem which is a little indie game with sort of an anime cyberpunk aesthetic in pixel art. I'm pumped to give it a try, but I honestly have no clue what it's about or how it plays haha. I just thought it looked cool. Also going to pickup Ghostwire Tokyo this friday, should be a blasty blast.

Whatcha playing? Let me know down below. I hope you're doing well and remember that if you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done. :)




Finished Will You Snail. Very charming game with adaptive difficulty that I wish more games would replicate. Have a great week Daryl!


This looks super fun! Might have to give it a go based on the movement alone, have a great week bud!


Hey Daryl! I'm pretty new here, I got the 'How Souls Games Save You' video in my YT feed and I instantly fell in love with your channel. I've since been binge watching your content and enjoying every minute of it. I'm a broke college kid with no time and even less money, so instead of playing Elden Ring with all my pals, I've been running through Dark Souls III again to scratch that masochistic Miyazaki itch while I wait for my bank account to look somewhat presentable. I've also recently picked up Hollow Knight again after seeing some of the things you've said about it and man, am I BAD at finding where I am, but the game is relaxing and aesthetic enough that I don't much mind backtracking over and over again. Otherwise I always find myself dipping my toes into Enter the Gungeon and making very little progress, but enjoying the attempt nonetheless. In terms of the backlog, BOI do I feel you there. There's something about me that just cannot finish games for the life of me, especially when I'm really invested in them. Back in the day I played through like 90% of The Last of Us and got damn close to the finish line when my motivation to continue suddenly vanished, despite my love for the world/story/characters. And I do the same with books and TV shows too, I just can't get through most of them. I would love to see a 'backvlog' video about your experience diving in and finishing a ton of stuff, I think it would be a huge motivation boost for a lot of people. I'm a huge fan, thank you for all you do!

Wendriel Le Fay

Welcome, Professor! It's always lovely to see someone new falling in love with DTG, and I enjoyed reading your comment very much. Also, "backvlog" is a wonderful name for that concept. :)