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So as you may have surmised from the polls I've sent out on twitter and the YT community tab, the next Psych of Play is about about the gap between the checkpoint and boss aaaaaand how that affects our time with the game. Here's links to those polls in case you missed those:



Does the gap suck? Does it add to the lore? Is it convenient? Is it inconvenient? Does it depend on the game? Well as you can imagine, the responses were all over the place. In fact I have had to categorize responses I'll be using in the video into 3 neat categories: they like a gap, they hate a gap, they say it depends. Screenshot to this in the attachments. 

What do I think? Emotionally, I can't stand it. Like the clip above shows what I have to go thru in dark souls EVERY. SINGLE. TIME that I want to fight the boss in New Londo Ruins in Dark Souls. Like seriously watch that clip uninterupted... undistracted... and feel every... second... that... passes... It's agonizing.

Unemotionally, I think that's the point. A big gap is kind of part of the boss I feel and Team Cherry agrees if you look at this old AMA when they were asked about hollow knight bench locations. Shouout to Rhkellz on Twitter for finding this: https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/8swt8n/comment/e130uco/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

But, as research has shown, people are impatient to a fault. Here's a pretty funny study on this that I'll be referencing in the video. Psych of Play content spoilers I guess haha - https://www.ohio.edu/news/2020/07/recently-published-ohio-study-reveals-humans-are-impatient-even-down-seconds

All that said, I'm looking forward to this video. I have the script finished. It's longer than I'd like it to be, but what else is new these days haha. People seem to dig the longer form stuff and so does the algorithm. So I can't complain too much!

Working on finding footage/b-roll/memes for the video this week as well as doing the voiceover. When recording I had an idea for a video I'd like to get your thoughts on. Here is a video of me farming for large titanite shards in Dark Souls (and not getting a single on in the process lmao) - https://youtu.be/VsBkALVYqRE

I edit this in a funny way, but during that extended farming session (which went much longer than recorded) I found myself... kind of relaxed playing Dark Souls for the first time ever. There was a peace to doing something boring in the game. I had relaxing music on so it's sort of confounding variables, but have you ever weirdly enjoyed the process of hatching eggs in pokemon? Running around in circles in a game just to get some armor or some ingredient you need to make your game go smoother? Ordinarily I hate running errands in games, but for some reason... this hit different. Do you find a strange peace in grinding or farming? Let me know down below. 

Hope you guys are doing well! Talk soon!




Pyo Heliobros

Especially in Dark Souls I never had the feeling that I had to walk too long from checkpoint to boss again. The paths were always near enough and you could always run past enemies. But I am aware that such experiences are different for everyone. Also I love grinding and farming in video games. I am basically someone who enjoys obtaining stuff in games anyway and grinding/farming is just one way of doing so. For me it's also often very peaceful and calming. But it's not only the act of doing it itself, it's also the promise of loot and level ups in the back of my mind that's so soothing.


Oh hell yeah, one of Ohio's unis is getting a shout-out! And yeah, about that last bit, I absolutely think there's a certain 'zen' in grinding. I actually wrote a post about it in my blogging days, saying that it's just the *right* level of mindless to be calming. When I played Persona 4, the only thing stopping me from grinding to 99 in the final dungeon was the fact that a friend of mine REALLY wanted to see the ending.