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My sweet children. The DTG Patreon is getting a bit of a buff in 2022. 

What's changing:

Weekly Updates/Discussions - These will basically be journal entries on my end, what I’m working on, how it's going, issues I'm having, things going well, questions for you. It might have research articles of interest, clips from editing, clips from recent games I'm playing, bloopers from voiceovers, thumbnail ideas, thoughts, sanity checks. The point is to give you guys a regulars update and attempt to start conversations.

Monthly Commentaries - These commentary livestreams will now be regularly scheduled for the Sunday after the newest Psych of Play. Meaning It'll go Psych of Play on Saturday, Commentary on Sunday. Formerly it was just whenever I had time, but I think adding this to a regular schedule will keep me accountable (I still owe you for Nov and Dec lol) and will increase viewership/participation. 

Lofi Editing Livestreams - Patrons will now receive access to a monthly behind the scenes livestream with me where I simply edit the upcoming Psych of Play the week before it's release! These will be very chill and only be around an hour or so. I won't be talking your ear off, I'll be editing, answering any questions you may have in chat, and pulling back the curtain a bit so you can see how the editing process goes. Feel free to drop in as you work on your own stuff, homework, etc. Let's be productive together!

New Goals! - I've also updated the goals for the Patreon! Essentially, once we reach a certain level of Patreon support, things happen. At $500/month, for example, I'll make the Psych of Play on Anime. We're super close to that one! Go check the goals to see what else is down the line. 

What's NOT changing:

The Tiers - There is still only one, and it is still only $1. 

Early Access - Yep, it's still there baby. 

Pretty much everything else - I don't plan to change much else because it's all working. The credits, the featured patrons, the occasional voting. It's all sticking around, I just wanted to add a little more value and a little bit more to say thank you for being a part of this!

As T Swizzy once said, I dunno about you. But I'm feeling 22' ;)




Just joined your patron. I am freckled ginger on YouTube. You honestly inspire me so much and I love all of your work. Please keep it up!


Hi there Meara! So glad to have you hare as a part of the family. Thanks for hopping by the stream earlier and for the kind words. Looking forward to seeing you in the Patreon exclusive streams down the line!


If half of us donate a Dollar more, we'll reach the goal for Psych of Fricking Weeb. I'll start.