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I watched Good Omens 2 this weekend and it was one of the best, most joyous queer shows I have ever seen in my life and while I didn't want to write a video essay on it considering the ongoing Hollywood strikes; I figured I could talk about it with all of you here on Patreon, so here's a kind of bonus off-the-cuff video essay about Good Omens 2. It kind of builds off my video on Spiderverse and Nimona in a cool way! And let me know if you like this style of Patreon-only content, as I may do more of it in future if y'all are down for it.

Also quick update, I'm meeting with Dr. Erin my producer next week about IDENTITEAZE to see what we're doing going forward. But for YouTube, I have my Guardians of the Galaxy and Star Wars videos almost wrapping up. Aranock is finishing the editing for the GOTG video and then she and I are going to tackle doing the Star Wars animation and edit soon! I'm really really proud of those videos so I'm pumped. Then my next project, IDENTITEAZE-depending, for YouTube is going to Queer Liminality and a video on transgender love. So a lot comign. 

Adore you all and hope you enjoy my Good Omens excitment! Allons-y!



Raven Woods

100% would love to see more of these videos! I loved Good Omens season 2, and I really hope they get another season to finish the arc! Neil Gaiman obviously saw folks on tumblr saying season 1 was queer baiting and decided to fix that in season 2, lol. It’s so marvelously queer.


yes please on more of this style of Patreon-only content

Rachel Mary Winter

It was very beautiful, also the Shop keep with a Trans wife was kind of awesome. I really hope for a season 3 now. Because this story is not over for me. and yes, these small vids are fun,. but I have to wait until I see them to be spoiler proofed.


Yay for more informal enthusing, it wad wonderful. I have read the the dook but not dived into the series at all (I dont care about spoilers) so this has absolutely nudged me into giving it a go. Awesome stuff


When you do a full breakdown I hope you have Aranok or another ace person talk about the ace-ness of the relationship as well.




Loved the video! The only realy thing I would object to is Gabriel and Beelzebub being a heterosexual couple, because angels and demons are all canonically nonbinary in the Good Omens universe (and Beelzebub uses they/them pronouns, on top of that). Are they het passing? Sure. But they're still very much a queer couple And also, a point that I think is often overlooked is how not only did Neil Gaiman break the cycle of queerbaiting by actually paying off the subtext that was in the book and in the first season, but he's arguably working to rebuild that trust between the audience and the showrunner as storyteller that the last decade of queerbaiting has eroded (a particularly egregious example being Steven Moffat's barely concealed disdain for BBC Sherlock's most dedicated fans, which youtubers HBomberguy and Sarah Z have talked about at length). It's no coincidence that the story of Job is given so much emphasis in season 2: the season itself ends on a bitter and negative note, with Crowley and Aziraphale's kiss being so full of hurt and resentment at not being able to be together the way either of them wants to. It's basically a break-up kiss. But this is only the second act of the whole story: we, like Job, are being deprived of the thing we loved most about the show (Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship) and we're now being asked to have faith in Neil Gaiman that he will make things right again in the final act. And I do believe that he will. Both because he's hinted at it in his interactions with fans on Tumblr, and because Good Omens has always been a story about joy and hope in spite of the worst things that could ever happen to us and to the world (like a literal apocalypse)


I love Good Omens, been a fan of the Book for 10 years,and loved season 1, And I absolutely love all the characters, Aziraphale and Crowley are my favorite men(sometimes) shaped beings~ I don't think that They have ever been Queerbait, (though I understand how others can come to that conclusion, since it's all subtext in the book and show until S2) since before the first season they have been confirmed to love each other, and the sequel to the book (that was never made, was said to end with them sharing a Cottage in South Downs) so with this Fandom knowledge, They have always been in a relationship-


I remember this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx3nz_GV1Fo&t=19s) where the host was talking about everything queer between Azirafal and Crowley in season 1 and how it was a shame it was only queercoded then. So, needless to say I was overwellming by this final kiss of season 2 (if Disney had done so for Frozen 2 I would have been the happiest man of earth). I hoped you will make this video on Good Omens, I'm sure it will be fantastic to watch !