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Some disappointing news...


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Noah Stackhouse

I'm so sorry that this has happened JG. Especially during a time when anyone involved in the industry needs whatever work is available. I know you won't give up until this film is made and the fact that you told everyone to take the other jobs that are available shows that you care more about the people working for you than the studios do.

Libre Spirits Collective

Wow, that really sucks! We’re wondering if it had anything to do with the fact you have John Delancey in the mix, and they worried that having such a high profile actor participating might send an ambiguous signal. At any rate, by giving such a detailed explanation you gave us some education about how the process works, so that’s one good thing. But yeah, totally sucks.


Jessie. <3 I'm so sorry things have worked out this way. But clearly it's not over for your team nor for identiteaze (spelled it in one). It's moving forward, just not in the way we thought. I'm so looking forward to seeing your creative vision come to life. As someone once told me, it will be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not the end. Kinda corny but that's platitudes for you. Take good care of yourself this next little while as you process your feelings. The fight continues. I'm just sorry so much has to be such a goddamn struggle all the time. xo


Take care of yourself beautiful <3