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Here's the update for November everyone! I hope you're staying safe and I'm sending you all love <3 



Hey all! It's the update for November already! Dear god where does the time go. Sending love and thanks to all of you



Jessie you deserve support, due to your amazing content. I'm middle of the road and you're not a gatekeeper. You welcome conservative think and you acknowledge some of the weaknesses of the left. This opens dialogue to healthy debate. As I said before, the choice of how you live your life had nothing to do with why I subbed you, and now support you monetarily. It had everything to do with your content and your genuineness. With much love, 💕 Live long and prosper... Aka UlyssesThePagan


I'm so glad you feel comfortable in Seattle. I think I can speak for your followers in saying all we want from you is for you to just be you. (If that makes sense!) You have created an unique and rich community. Best, Marg


i want to see whatever you want to do, i guess sometimes i can have good ideas but other times they might be not so good lol. theres 3 people who i follow at the moment that follow you on twitter. im not sure if a video with contrapoints and Philosophy tube would be able to work but the third one might be more likely to work jackson bird.


Jimminy Jillickers, it's November already?! We love you, Jessie, and we're so glad the move and the job are bringing good things to your life. We can't wait to see what you do next!


A trans "Late night show?" Oh yes Jesse I'm all about that. So glad you are comfortable in Seattle, it seems like a great fit. Love from the UK, I appreciate how much you mention us and our terrible institutions


all good :)


It is so beautiful to see and hear that you are okay and feel the shift in your energy (for lack of a better word). I moved to a city I fell in love with some years ago after the city I lived in before contains mostly memories and almost no growth and is was one of the most important and empowering processes of my life. So, I highly empathize with your feelings right now. Especially with all the creativity and future plans. I can recommend taking your time getting into project mode, though. All this is energizing *and* it also costs energy. I love all the ideas you have, especially the Last Week Tonight on LGBTQ themes and the collaborations. I have thought several times in the last weeks that I would love to hear you talk with Brené Brown (my favorite researcher). Just putting it out there. That said, I am excited for whatever you decide to make in the end. Take care and enjoy putting down roots in your new (old) city. Stay safe. All the best from Germany!


So glad you've settled in and are feeling comfortable in Seattle. I'm sure working with other creative types at MOPOP will have a synergistic effect on your own work. I would love to see you do an interview show with an LGBTQ slant, maybe as a podcast! Matt Baume, also in Seattle, has a podcast called Sewers of Paris in which he interviews LGBTQ folk about the entertainment that changed their life. Fascinating way to learn about people I otherwise wouldn't know about. Another thing that interests me as a film buff would be a movie review/analysis show examining queer subtext. And finally the Last Week Tonight show on LGBTQ topics, either current or historical, would definitely be of interest!


Yes! A show about trans stuff sounds amazing!

Jessie Earl

Maybe one day. And I've spoken with Jackson before, I interviewed him a couple years ago for a podcast I worked on! I should reach out again.