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Hi all! Thank you all so much for the post inspiration (actually, there were so many good ones; it was really helpful for some ideas; I prob will do a few of them over the next year!). I went through and selected the 12 folks for the premiere totally not at random for fairness, and the 12 who got picked SHOULD hopefully be getting an email with an invite to the premiere sometime in the next 2-3 days, if not sooner! I just have to go through Maya, Nebula's wonderful PR lady. She'll be sending them out to you! If you do get one, please RSVP as soon as you can; just so we know who is coming, and if you can't come, we can open the invite up to someone else!

Also, if you don't get an invite, don't despair JUST yet, I'm trying to see if we can get a few more folks in too, so just keep a lookout throughout the week if you get an email.

Regardless tho, I am excited to see those of you are going to be there! It should be a really fun time, and I'm excited to see you all there! A bunch of fun folks should be there like Abigail and Maggie who I know you all know, and Dr. Erin. So it'll be a good time.

I'm sorry that I couldn't invite EVERYONE who wants to come; I really wish I could. Tho I'm going to see if people want to do screenings after the premiere and hopefully we can make that happen! But it'll be on Nebula next TUESDAY (ehhhhh, I'm so nervously excited). And like I said, I'm going to try to get some exclusive stuff to you. At the very "worst", I'll definitely do a live watch along with you all sometime in late July.

<3 Love y'all!


Eric Cheung

Is there any chance of a screening between July 6-12? Or perhaps a physical media release for purchase?


I'll be happy to watch it through Nebula with my flatmates.