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Hey all, so I looked into Patreon's policies after someone gave me a heads up. I learned that Patreon doesn't allow technically giveaways based on 100% chance. So just to avoid any issues or bad outcomes; I'm just going to add an element of non-randomness. Normally I would want it to be completely random out of fairness, but just due to their rules, I have to. So, if you submitted your name for the premiere; just in the comments below (or DM me) - throw out the wildest idea for a video topic you'd want me to do. I'll pick the top 12 that "inspire me the most" to get the tickets, and I promise it definitely will 100% not be a random chance decision at all who gets the tickets. Might also be a fun way to get me to do a topic you want haha. Have fun with the ideas - I always enjoy really off the wall concepts.



A deep dive into FemShep fanfiction (masseffect) and how it reflects that ‘not quite there’ representation in media/video games of the time.


An analysis of the cat distribution system and its implications for reverse entropic forces. I swear I did not use ChatGPT to come up with this.