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Londo only has to say ONE word to survive... but the question remains, will he say it? We've come to the Very Long Night of Londo Mollari on the Jumpgate podcast as we start heading into the final season of Babylon 5.


Jumpgate #93 - The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari

Vera Wylde and Jessie Gender take up residence on Babylon 5, taking in one episode at a time. Season 5, Episode 2, The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari - Londo collapses and fights for his life, and he may have to comfront some uncomfortable truths in order to do it.



Like Vera, I LOVE what dream Vir says about prophecy. Also, much as I truly, deeply hate the Cartagia plot (because it is ultimately a narrative & character cheat), I love dream G'Kar as emperor.


Also, like Vera, my hatred of Lennier's idiotic love of Delenn is massive.