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Sorry for the recent absence. I don’t want to get too much into it, but I briefly want to let you all know about something for the sake of transparency.


My brother was recently diagnosed with cancer. I didn’t bring it up earlier to keep the mood lively during my birthday, and because I was still processing everything myself. But I went with him to the hospital last night for his first chemo appointment, so the reality of it is beginning to settle in.

I’ll still be drawing since that’s how I normally work through this stuff anyway, but please understand if things are slow for a bit. Billing will be paused for the time being as well.

I know this stuff isn’t easy to talk about, so it’s okay if you all don’t want to. Just letting you guys know what’s going on since I tend to disappear a lot between projects. Don’t want anyone to worry about it.

I’ll post more updates when I can. Hope you all are doing well, as always ^w^


Smutt 'n Fluff

Very sorry to hear about your brother. Wishing you and your family the best. Hope for good outcomes :)

a person

Keep your chin up, thank you for being transparent with us, I really hope your brother is able to fight though this ❤️


I'm so sorry to hear, and I know this is a really tough time you're going through. It's good that you were there for your brother, family always comes first. We hope things get better.


anyway we can donate any possible charges to his recovery?


That is a very hard situation to be in. I absolutely hope and wish for the best for your brother, yourself and the rest of your family. You take all the time in the world that you need to focus on health. May he beat cancer and heal smoothly. Sending lots of care and love to all of you 💜


As a cancer survivor myself. I know what it's like. Fuck cancer. Be there for your brother he will need you. Wishing yall the best and try to stay positive.


a lot of strength brother, and may God help you I send blessings to you and your family


It is hard for him and the rest of our family, but he’s going to be okay I think… And thank you for the kind words ;;


Hmm I don’t think it will be necessary, but I appreciate you asking c:


It has been very difficult for us, and will be for some time, unfortunately… But he should eventually be okay based on what the doctors have told us. And thank you for the kind words <3


It’s not a good feeling, even just seeing him in the state he’s in… But my family has been visiting him a lot and being there for him, so hopefully everything will be okay. And thank you ^^


Are they going to be doing alright? It's good you're worried about them, shows that you care a lot. Hopefully they get through this with little to no issue.


Mmhmm; he’ll eventually be okay, but it’s gonna take a lot of surgery and a lot of time in the hospital before he’s fully recovered. Hopefully we won’t encounter any major complications along the way.

Jacob Schrader

My Father took his life back in early Feb. 2020 due to a cancer scare, and my grandfather right now is dealing with it. A different kind of cancer, but cancer still. I know where you are coming from, and if you would like to make a post (to get something out of your system) about the situation. Please do. This subject will never be easy to discuss, but both of you stay strong. Know that you do have support.

Murray Crofts

Aww no..well you know we all wish you and your brother the very best. You just get back too us when you can ;w;


I'm so sorry about that.. I probably won't mention it much again unless something big changes, just to try and keep things focused on artwork and such—but I really do appreciate you all coming out in support here. Thank you.