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Finished cleaning this thingy up ^w^

Also, I'm gonna go ahead and preemptively pause billing for this month since I've been pretty slow at working lately :o Hoping it'll give me some peace of mind to work on more stuff without the added stress

And I'll try to have a fun little drawing for my birthday later this month, too! As is tradition~ uwu




A wedgie!?! O°O


YAAAY, THIS LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Holly showing off her cute butt, her getting wedgie'd, and some awesome cleavage. She do be lookin quite sexy! Really love this, keep it up! ( ^ u ^)7

Deep Chasm

It's kindness like this that made me want to support your work. The butts are a bonus.


Paused again? Lemme at least buy you a dinner for all these cakes >:V


Ever since I've come across your works my old wedgie kink has been revived


Lots of fun stuffies going on here, yeah hehe ^u^ And thank youuu!!!


Well thank you! I always appreciate the support :3c And I definitely enjoy the butts as well, yeah haha ^u^


Not to uncommon around here, yeah aha ;-; And we can just have the cakes for dinner instead >:D


I kind of forgot about my love for them as well until I saw artwork from other people online haha... So it's cool to hear that I could do the same for you c:

Apollyon Leviathus

Just joined the patreon! After discovering ya on twitter yesterday. Happy to be here, but how do I get to the discord? And access to the Mega files?