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The wood elf models are moving along swimmingly. The "Warrior" and "Witch" concept are having their cut lines defined and also problematic areas identified. 

Something I identified about the cut lines we determined with this model is that it won't have the head removable from the body. We discussed this, and decided that it would be good if the head was removed for ease of painting. To get a clean part line, we're going to add a necklace or something so that the divide isn't as obvious. Of course, that leaves something of a complicated split for the backside because his hair runs down his back. My caster has ensured be that there are some options that won't make this too difficult so we're moving ahead!

Because the Witch wasn't sculpted by my current sculptor who has a decent amount of industry experience working with casters, this model has needed a lot of "backfilling". Essentially, detail that isn't going to be seen like the underside of her clothing can be thickened a lot. This will allow the mold making process to go along more smoothly because we won't have thin tendrils of silicone defining detail in areas that are invisible. In general, the stronger and more fortified your molds are, the longer they last and are less prone to tearing and whatnot. All in all, I am SUPER happy with the people I am working with. I feel involved and the feedback we're sharing feels very productive. I got a nice little dream team. 

I've done quite a bit of computer work this week from making that goofy OnlyFans video, to making another quick one this past day, so I haven't found a ton of time to hobby. That being said, I did have my Kill team buddies over to paint some more of our teams! I wanted to test out some new products so I busted out my new Montana spray cans I picked up based on Marco Frisoni's recommendation. 

My original plan with these spray paints was to use them for terrain, but my local Blick was doing buy 5 get the 6th free and they were already cheap (compared to GW's primer) so I got black and white as well. If I'm being honest, I had some mixed results. Let me show you. 

This might be a little hard to see, but I had some physical texture build up with the black primer (not sure if the white had problems as well). To be clear, I'm NOT talking about the speckling of the white primer, that's normal. I think it's best observed on the first images right thigh. I checked the humidity for that day and it was 35%, so that couldn't have caused any issues. Anyone ever used Montana spray cans and had better results? Also, they're quite glossy which isn't a problem necessarily, but it's worth knowing about. Next up, I tried out that sexy looking chrome on my battle sisters. 

This chrome is POPPIN', but I notice that it's obscuring detail a bit. In the face, you can't really see her eyes anymore. I know of a good alternative in Molotow's chrome, but this one seems pretty great too depending on subject matter. For what it's worth, I'm using these spray paints as primers - applying them directly to bare plastic. I then applied some tamiya clear red and used tamiya's black panel liner to get some detail. 

I haven't cleaned this up yet with mineral spirits but dang...that looks pretty awesome and I did virtually no work. The panel liner on that glossy surface just sinks right into the recesses, it's glorious. That's all for now. Hope you guys are doing well and painting up all sorts of minis! 

<3 Scott



That Woodelv looks awesome! Love it. Smart thinking with the head. Its really interesting following the work. I love Marco, Im going for the Molotove cans personally. Interesting results


Maybe different caps on your cans would help. As a fan of graffiti, but not a practitioner, there are different caps for different applications. Quick YouTube search, and yep, there are tons of videos on cap types and their applications.


Can’t wait to pick up them wood elves. Did you zenithal prime those sisters with a rattle can? - that’s not something I’d considered doing. Keep it up dude 💪🏻


I had so many issues with these spray cans I just gave up. To be honest I am glad to see someone confirm that it's not just me being a pleb.


Yes I did, fellow Scott! Definitely useful for guidance on placing shadows and highlights


Yeah I actually picked some up! I'm interested in trying it out


I'm inspired! Still don't know how I want to paint my boosta blasta up but I'm still inspired!


Marvelous Progress papa! I really dig the new minis! About the Sprays, i recommend you to check the Molotow UFA line for spraying, i have read it's the best for miniatures in sprays. Thank you so much for the update papa! :D