Enjoy this early release! I had a lot of fun making this video!
Sponsored by Anycubic: https://www.anycubic.com Buy the Photon S: http://bit.ly/miniac-anycubic DISCOUNT CODE: "ACMINI" 3D printing is an emerging medium relevant to the miniature painting hobby. At first it was shrugged off as low quality or too expensive, but now with these consumer level resin 3D printers, relatively high quality prints can be in your hands. Let's check it out! PATREON OR DIE: http://patreon.miniac.co MERCH OR DIE: https://teespring.com/stores/miniac SUPPORT MINIAC: https://miniac.bigcartel.com/support RECOMMENDED HOBBY GEAR: https://miniac.bigcartel.com/gear GRAM OR DIE: http://instagram.miniac.co AMAZON OR DIE: http://amzn.to/2vb1j6X FACEBOOK OR DIE: http://facebook.miniac.co END CREDITS SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xdgooP3fBc INTRO SONG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P1qWrormko HELPFUL 3D LINKS: 1. https://www.wargaming3d.com/2018/12/31/the-complete-and-utter-idiots-guide-to-3d-printing-in-resin-for-wargamers/ 2. Dwarf: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3472638 3. Shelves: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3687669 4. Crates: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3847269 5. Leveling your Photon S: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEaNVfT8y9w 6. Agannon the Undying: https://www.cometlordminiatures.com/shop/agannon-the-undying-king 7. 3D printed Tabletop Backerit: https://lostadventures.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders 8. Tested printer settings for various resins: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1crvzMnt_8NJXAsABinoIhcOjE8l3h7s0L82Zlh1vkL8/edit#gid=0 9. Super helpful FAQ, but the whole repo is awesome too: https://github.com/Photonsters/anycubic-photon-docs/blob/master/FAQ.md 3D PRINTING GEAR UV Curing Station: https://geni.us/4aREzl Ultrasonic Cleaner: https://geni.us/ezxUmph Gloves: https://geni.us/HOAg5XH (medium sized) Respirator: https://geni.us/BDxnrUm BRUSHES STUFF I USE: Raphael 8404 0: http://geni.us/SYqlZg Raphael 8404 1: http://geni.us/YIBREk Raphael 8404 2: http://geni.us/f5j8 Masterson's Cleaner: http://geni.us/NaBs Wet Palette: http://geni.us/m9Fh3cV JACKSON ART LINKS (if you prefer not to use amazon) Raphael 8404 size 0: http://bit.ly/2DlPYnN Raphael 8404 size 1: http://bit.ly/2sxZeiB Raphael 8404 size 2: http://bit.ly/2DjjfPX AIRBRUSH STUFF: Iwata HP-CS: https://geni.us/W0YnX Compressor: http://geni.us/yLA8xl PREP STUFF Badger White Primer: https://geni.us/tHjA Badger Black Primer: https://geni.us/kPMAHF0 Xacto Knife: https://geni.us/aX6ccyg Hobby Saw: https://geni.us/S3rhhA Tweezers: https://geni.us/dh2LE9R Files: https://geni.us/eg3J7x Extra Thin Plastic Cement: https://geni.us/tpASK Medium CA Glue: https://geni.us/tbAI Thin CA Glue: https://geni.us/t6F5qt Super Glue Instant Setter: https://geni.us/fdighH Apoxie Sculpt: https://geni.us/vE7au Dremel: https://geni.us/kr2e96H Dremel Keyless Chuck (for tiny drill bits): https://geni.us/PgjdSP