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What up, mini family?!

Vampire update! The final 3D model is done and in the hands of Creature Caster for simplifying the model, printing, and casting! I'm so excited! I'm not sure when I'll have the final cast in my hands, but the next thing I need to start thinking about is packaging. Due to my previous experience in fulfilling merchandise, I have a pretty good idea on how to ship this stuff. 

Next up, where's the early release video?! Well, I underestimated how much time it would take me to convert and paint the miniature. Having to wait for putty to dry messes with my schedule. The model is 70% done, and I'm filming as I go, so once it's done, all I need to do is edit it and then I can publish. Sorry that it's going to be late, due to Easter I'm visiting family in WI so I don't have access to the mini or my computer for the weekend :(

The NMM is somewhat rough because I'm trying to rush through it and the head is a liiiiiittle too small for his body...like his forearms are the same width as his face, haha!

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned this, so I will now: I have a black metal t-shirt coming out.

If you can't read it, that's normal, it says "Miniac". This new shirt will be fulfilled through Teespring so I don't have to worry about shipping, charging tax, etc. I still do like to make high quality merchandise but the fulfillment is killer, so I had an idea. Whenever this shirt drops, I'll run a promotion for $10+ patrons to get a beanie with a patch of this sewn onto it as a LE item for a certain month. The announcement will go something like this: "I'm selling a new T-shirt with a sweet black metal logo on it, and for the month of June, if you're a $10+ patron you'll get this same logo on a beanie!" I'm not sure if it'll be June, it'll be sometime soon because I have an example beanie being made right now. As soon as it's done I can release the shirt and announce the hat. 

That's all for now. PAINT MORE MINIS! 




Definitely will pick up both the shirt and beanie


give us dem beanzzzz


I don't want a beanie, but I'll take a toque if you have any ;) lol


Whoah! This is a funny coincidence lol. I didn’t know you had a vampire miniature in the works. And I just started a post series for my Instagram where I’m going to be painting a series of different vampire minis.


That vampire looks amazing. Am I going to be able to buy one from you? Can I get it in 35mm scale? Can I have one with your bloody fingerprint on the bottom as a limited edition release?