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In this episode, Jon and I discuss which platform (Twitch or Youtube) we prefer to content creation, and consumption. If you'd rather watch the video version, you can find it here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GV8tycPHgm8 




Hey Scott, digging to podcast. I listen via a pod catcher, so 100% audio format. Sometimes you’ll mention something, like John’s IG and just say “link below”. For us audio listeners maybe throw out the IG handle or site name as well as “or click on the link below.”


Loved. Thanks for featuring my question. Curious about the future of Youtube Live and how it will differ from twitch. If creators can find a way to utilize both in a unique way to grow their channel.


Heeeey, do some moar podcasts plz!!! Listened to and very much enjoyed all three installments! Personally, I have watched a couple on YT and purely listened on Spotify etc at times too. I would be fine with audio only, I don't think you lose too much of the interaction as it comes across well in just the audio. Love the format! What you've been painting followed by the main topic of conversation. Feels like it's in the sweet spot for allocated time, I've not felt like any have dragged on or got boring, yet I don't feel short changed when they end. Keep up the awesome work!


I got about 10 episodes worth of topics. Always looking for more!


Really been enjoying the podcast. I listen to a lot of podcasts, and always do it through a Podcatcher app, the RSS feed from patreon has been working great for it.