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What up, mini family?! 

This week has been super duper duper cold. Today was a record low of -29 Fahrenheit. Martin, one of my patrons, gave me the idea to make a funny skit video about the weather and priming, so I did! Since it's topical right now, that video will be this Friday's actual release. That will push back the schedule of the Homecoming series a bit, but I'm still making the videos. Another reason for this skit video is that I want to get ahead of my release schedule even further because in February my wife and I are going to Hawaii! That'll be a full week that I will not be able to work on videos, so getting ahead now is ideal so you guys don't miss out on that JOOSY content. 

This week I added a lot more details to the base for my Crystal Brush entry. It's pretty much structurally done. All the siding, framing, weathering, and shingling work will be done in the next video of the series. 

Another fun announcement is that Jon and I will be giving a podcast a "test season". This will be 3 episodes long and we're looking for topics! Please suggest some topics in the comment section of this post, but consider this: The topics must be good conversation pieces. An example of a bad topic is "What is the best aerosol primer" or "how do I feather". Those types of questions can be answered succinctly and quantitatively in a normal video. An example of a good topic would be: "What makes miniature painting unique and different from traditional art" or "is recasting similar to IP theft and is it ever justified". Stuff that can have 2 opposing sides, essentially. If the podcast takes off, I want it to be a patron run thing, meaning I want to get all my topics from you guys!





How about something on how you might forecast 3d printing effecting the miniature community.


Where do you draw the line between speed and quality when doing army or boardgame painting?


Youtube vs Twitch for miniature painting. Either talking about pros and cons for both or communities etc.


What are the benefits and drawbacks of using an airbrush vs. traditional brush blending?


What makes a good competition mini?


Miniature Painting: Hobby or Obsession? Knowing the warning signs and learning how to balance it.


When should you try new techniques or focus on perfecting/improving existing techniques and when is it ok to just keep doing what's working and giving good results.


When the pile of shame builds up to hoarding! Sell, Donate, speed paint everything or just keep buying? Retail therapy Vs creative (painting) therapy. Do some hobbyists confuse the two?


Y'all are coming up with the great topics..


How do you know that you have too much unpainted minis in your drawers ? How do you paint without ending up having back or neck pains ? I tried many chairs and positions without success.


You already know what I'm going to say.....what would make paints for minis better? What would you like to see improved? Looking at you Vallejo white (they use a mixture of titanium and barium sulfate, which most likely gives it that chalky quality I've seen complained about....).


or just paint eaters vs non paint eaters.....oOO, or vitamin enhanced paint!


What about how to take your painting from a basic painting between the lines to advanced techniques. Where to start, what to think about, how to not get overwhelmed by all the techniques, terms, challenges etc. There is so much to this hobby, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to try to learn new things or push yourself into the next skill level, if that makes sense.