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What up, mini family?!

Lots of pictures this week because pictures are great. I started working on my two big October projects!

The Halloween Short

Here's a shot of the timeline in its' current state of affairs. As previously mentioned, this short was started 2 years ago. We shot everything in 1 day and it took about 12 hrs but my preparation was really bad so we missed some crucial shots in order to preserve the flow of what little narrative there was. Here are some fun shots:

The intended genre is horror comedy, but we'll see what happens after the edit. So, what do you do when you go to a shoot and you miss some shots?....you get to do something called "pickups". Pickups are just an additional (one or more) day of production to cover your mistakes. One mistake I sure as hell wasn't going to make again was to not be prepared. So....

I story-boarded every single shot that I need in pickups and gave them all numbers and then organized them in a shot list which you can see below:

A shotlist is a valuable time saver on "set" because a lot of times you're shooting different scenes in the same location but not in chronological order, so, you shoot those scenes together back to back to minimize moving your gear around. You can also see some of the pickup's script. Now, I did storyboard and script the original shoot, but I did it in a super lazy way that meant I forgot a lot of stuff. All in all, I need 20 extra shots to make this video not suck total balls. 

We are going to get these 20 pickup shots on Sunday morning, so soon!

The Board Game Table

This week I cleaned out my shop!

It seems like my shop is always filling up with miscellaneous stuff from my house that doesn't have anywhere to live. Anyways, I took a look at where I was with the table and figured I needed a few tools to buy. 

In my wood working class, I used a dado set on the table saw to cut grooves in my table to accept a 3/4" maple veneered plywood. However, on half of the sides the dado can't go all the way to the end because I don't want to expose the joinery. So, I had to stop short and you can see the curvature of the blade and also a square sheet of plywood won't fit into here. So, I purchased a plunge router, a set of chisels, and a wooden mallet to hog out the rest of the material and then square it up!

On the other half of the table sides, I could chew all the way through the material with the dado stack, so this won't be necessary. 

Now I just play the waiting game for the tools to arrive, and then I can progress further!






Your projects always seem especially organized and well-thought out, the lazy shot lists you mention notwithstanding. Even your basic time management with regard to getting up early to get in hours on your channel, Twitch, etc. is pretty impressive. Maybe it's just because I feel like I lack the discipline to execute on that properly, but I'd be curious to see a video or post on how you approach those meta tasks like planning, time management, achieving consciousness at 5am, etc. Not sure how popular idea that is, but figured I'd throw it out there.


I think that could be a fun topic to talk about in a video where I talk about how I make a video, which is a subject I have planned for the end of the year