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Hello all to the last month of the 2010's! We hope all is well with everyone as we near the New Year.

Today's Blog update is a big one so buckle up for this one!

This past week was hectic for myself as I had to work on Black Friday. Working retail this time of year is fucking brutal so I spent every waking second trying to survive family, customers, and work. I did not get much work done in the way of writing so we have to delay the next Free Mode update by about a week. Next Monday the 9th is when we will release another free update for it as we still need to add a few more things and of course test. This will of course be free. 

Now on what DID get done this week we have 2 things to share with you. Firstly our coder Baka was hard at work adding more levels to the game. As of right now The Domain is now fully implemented with just a few NPC's missing from it. He has also been hard at work making QOL improvements to the game. The first one is something we're excited for. 

The game will now keep track of items needed for quests! Before you pretty much needed to keep a head count but no more. This will be implemented in the Henesys update and we do plan to grow this out further into a Quest Journal of sorts but we're still looking for ways to communicate it to you the player. 

The game has also been run through some optimization in between scenes. Everything should be smoother but you will all be able to tell if you played the Lith Harbor update.

The 2nd thing is we have art to show Patrons! We know we have been quiet on this for awhile but our artist has been extremely busy with other things in his life.
This is our first group project so of course we had a schedule but it fell apart quickly. As of last week we now have a new schedule for art that will give us something to show you all monthly. As an apology to everyone the first artwork and lineart will be attached here for the NPC in Lith. The other pieces of art will be shared twice a week in order to spread it out a bit. Line art will go on Tuesdays and the full art will go live on Thursdays. Only Patrons will be able to see it. Everyone else will have to wait until the Update is out!

Here is Tru!

We're still hard at work on pulling everything together but this update is going to be massive! Between all the QOL improvements, the art, and the many new mechanics, Skills, and secrets we have for sure beaten our old record for update size. The file size at the moment rests around 142mb so comparing it to the old Public, it's almost doubled. We can't wait to show you what we have achieved with this update so keep your ears peeled for the release date. We do hope it's soon but no promises just yet. 

That should wrap up this weeks Blog. We again thank our Patrons and Fans! We can't do this without you and now with a proper schedule we should be able to hand out more stuff a week for those that support us. See you all next week and do look for the art that will go live tomorrow and Thursday!

Enjoy the Holidays!


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