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Hello all! Back again for another Weekly Blog and it's a BIG one!

So this update will mark something very exciting for us at BGE. Going forward we plan to add Guests to the game that already exist  or that never did. These characters which are known by millions will be set pieces for players to enjoy. The possibilities are endless so we want you to meet the first two that will be joining King's Fall. 

Meet Kirito and Asuna from Sword Art Online! These two have now entered the King's Fall storyline and will now leave their own personal mark on the game. Both will have their quests and storyline told in the Henesys update so let me go into depth at how this will work. 

Upon arriving in Henesys you will wander into one of the many houses and find a statue in a black cloak. Upon discovering this statue can slightly move you the Hero ask around to see what is going on. Upon getting some info you go back to the house and use the Host's Abilities to look into this person's past. Death has chosen 2 individuals to do his bidding just like Leonore and the Hero before them. They are dragged into the King's Fall world but not before Kirito pisses off Death. He is cursed and cannot move. 

Upon discovering what happened Asuna attacks the Hero thinking he is a threat to both of them. 

The storyline will use the story elements of SAO up until the beginning of SAO2 so if you watched the anime you will be familiar as to where Kirito and Asuna are at this point. Many references will be used alongside major plot-points so as to stay canon with what the characters know. This will branch off as the story evolves and Kirito and Asuna become specific characters in the Hero's life. Asuna for example:

Asuna will be your first Sword Teacher and her story will be a Story Quest one, meaning you will have to complete her quests before you are allowed to move on. The reason for this is we at BGE are ready to introduce some spices to the gameplay and that starts with Asuna. 

As you all know the gameplay is that of a clicker with special abilities aka Skills being used to help you fight monsters and bosses. At the moment we only have the first Tier of abilities ready to be used but we are ready to add 2 more for that tier. These abilities will help you fight the many new monsters and bosses we are adding in the Henesys update and will bring you a taste of what you will get once you arrive in Perion, your main destination at this point in the story. 

As your relationship with Asuna changes and she grows accustomed to the Hero, Kirito will respond in return. Something will happen early on that will create a rift and a hatred between Kirito and the Hero. This will deepen later on as that hatred grows. More on that later. 

Since Asuna will be a huge focus of this update we plan on adding her own Character  Quest, a major one in fact. This Character Quest will reward the player with something of significance. Sure you will get Gold, EXP, and all that good stuff but you will receive something that will hopefully change how you fight and be the crutch you can lean on when using it. I won't spoil it but it's going to be a game changer for the early game. The 2nd reward is a familiar one. Sexy happy fun time. 

We want YOU to tell us what scene you want us to create for Asuna. As soon as this post goes live we will be having a Poll on what scene we should have for Asuna at the very end of her storyline for Henesys. One is going to be public, the other will be for Patrons. Patrons will get double votes so they will be the deciding factor in what scene gets made. 

Next week we will see who wins and then start getting ready to finish her storyline. 

This next update is going to be a fantastic one! More things at stake, more sexy times, and more fun in the gameplay department. So far this update will change everything for the better and we can't wait to finish it so you all can enjoy it!

The poll is right here:

Public: https://www.patreon.com/posts/30085108

Patrons: https://www.patreon.com/posts/30085023

Next weeks Blog will be smaller than this one but we will see as there is a lot of work that will be completed this weekend. Until then enjoy this Blog, vote in the polls, and let us know what you think! 

We want to thank all of our Patrons yet again! You guys keep this going strong and your patience will be rewarded in abundance! Thank you!

*Disclaimer: SAO is not owned by us. Assets used are modded and we at BGE claim no ownership to anything outside of the art produced.  


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