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Hello all! Welcome back to another blog update.

This week we will be discussing some QOL updates we will be adding to the next update. 

As you all know, this game is a hybrid between a Clicker and an RPG. To fans who have played the game, you tend to get the point but to new players we almost always get the same questions. "Why did the MC disappear? Where is the MC?" Well with this next update we will be adding a way to give a better visual as to who the MC is and a better visual that this is a Clicker. 

We are removing the simple mouse cursor to something that gives a better visualization of who you are, where you are, and of course a better way to tell new players that you control everything through a mouse. 

The new cursor will have a few different animations tied to it. When moving around you will have a simple finger extended to point at and of course track where you are one the screen. When moving to Hidden Spots the cursor will change to a Magnifying Glass to better orient you on stuff happening in the background. The previous update introduced a lot of Hidden Spots and quests tied to spots all over the world, now as you scroll around you will be able to find them almost immediately. Hopefully this guides players better rather than randomly clicking around. 

We have one more function but we actually have to draw it ourselves so once it's ready we will just combine it with a Blog Update at a later date. But we do want to show you how the cursor works in the menus. 

Another question we had received is a better way of handling how to move items. Now when clicking in the menus the hand icon will close, signifying that you are now grabbing an item. The hand icon in the menu in the menus on top of everywhere else will also wiggle when highlighting something that is clickable. At least now you will know when something can be moved/clicked on, on the animation you see. 

All of this will be automatic so you won't have to download anything extra. Going forward we want to add QOL updates to every update so if you have anything you want to be improved, do let us know. We want this to be a game everyone can enjoy and that all starts in making every area fluid. 

Well that pretty much wraps up this weeks blog update. Next week we will be discussing the Crossover Event. We may talk about the next Character Quest but time will tell. We are very much still adding a lot of quests and items as we trug along so we have no release date planned at the moment. Come the beginning of October we will have news on that front but for now look forward to 2 certain anime characters joining the cast of King's Fall and a Character Quest so important that the rewards will trump ANYTHING in the game thus far. 

More on that next week. Until then thanks for the support and we hope you enjoy your weekend!


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