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Hello everyone!

I may have to move these things further along the week since I keep missing them lol. One of the consequences of having a full time job but oh well I haven't missed a week so far so I may have to just plan these out better. 

Anyways before i got over the animation I want you all to know that the Update is looking to release on the 26th as promised. On top of this we released the Test Build early yesterday. As they go over everything we hope they get all the bugs before we release an official build and then a public build a few days later. We don't know when the public will be release but once we release on the 26th we can discuss it. 

In the mean time LAST week I teased about a certain animation being in the game. Well it turned out even better than I had hoped so in turn I made 9+ quests about it and the choice to do something that requires you to do something before even starting. What is it that you have to do and that I said fans may hate? Well...

You're going to have to kill a Mid-Boss... multiple times lol. That's right I am going to have you all work for it. Why? Why block an animation with such difficulty? Because our game actually allows the player to have fun WITH gameplay and such we want you to enjoy fighting against bosses and other beasts. "Okay okay" you say. "So long as it's just that..." Nope I say in return. You are going to have to grind out an item with a Rare Drop Rate. So yes you will not only have to kill him once but dozens of times until you get a specific item in order to gain access to the animation. 

So what's the Reward for Maria. Well you get to ???? ??????  Maria. That's right I am not going to spoil it heh. One thing I will go into detail about is something that annoys me about 99% of Devs on Patron that make H-Games.

Art takes a lot of time to create. Plugging it in and such takes even longer. Sure I get time restraints and such but for the love of god DON'T FUCKING JUST USE ART ONCE IN THE GAME! There are 2 devs that I know of that use Art as a building block in the game for scenes and story progression. Where every time you see the scene something changes and the characters change because of it. They are SunsetRiders07 and MITY. 

If you are going to produce art in HQ then at least use it properly. Most games have a Replay feature but that's not what I am talking about. You can replay a scene 100 times and NOTHING changes. That's why I as a Dev and Writer have made this game my soap box for reusing assets to the point where everything changes as you replay the scenes.

Maria's Animation is very special to me at the moment. Why? Because I was able to move along the relationship with Maria and the MC WITH the animation and I was able to reuse it 9+ times. That's right the animation is not a one and done. When I was writing the scene back in March I wanted it to be the Reward for Maria's Character Quest. That ended up changing because Baka tore himself to shreds over Lucy's character quest so we promised to only make 1 CQ a build. Well I tried to make Maria's storyline smaller but that was impossible. Oops lol. 

As it stand's Maria at the moment has a Mini Character Quest and a beautiful animation done by Jelly our artist. The Animation was reused quite a bit but like I said, the story of every quest that uses it will change Maria until at the end of it you are THAT much closer to her. The journey does get pretty deep for a porn game and I wanted to explore a subject that isn't always talked about. Problems of the mind and such. Sure it may not be sexy but I made up for the fact by making the last 2 uses of the animation the best they can be and the most sexy thing you have seen in the game thus far. 

So yeah you will have to grind a boss and kill him who knows how many times (Time to boost your luck stat!) but your reward is plentiful. I as a writer am not here to waste your time. I want to reward your work and the work of Baka our coder and the work of Jelly our artist. Nothing here is 1 and done and will continue to be like that. 

The release date is a week away so we can't wait to show you all of our hard work we have achieved the last few weeks. The update is plentiful, full of fun, and of course sexy as fuck! Can't wait to show you! 

Next week there will not be a Blog Update since we are for sure going to be busy with cleanup pre and post release. The week after for the month of August we will resume the normal schedule. Until then check back on the 26th for the release!


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