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Hello all!

Hope you are all well, I have a lot to go over today. 

So as of this morning we are now done with all the major additions to the Harbor update. All that is left is to add Artwork to about 6 more NPC's and then we can begin testing. This morning I also finally finished the writing on the Animation for Maria's ????? Scene. Again this has been teased in her quests for awhile now so you should know what it's going to be. For new players, you will have to wait and see!

Next week I will talk about it a bit because I did something that will annoy some players but oh well. What's done is done. Find out more next week!

Onwards to THIS week's Blog Update. In the picture above you can see how many new NPC's are joining the game as well as the current number of quests they have for you. The entire point of The Harbor update was to make a community feel alive, to make all the residents interconnected. By meeting one of the NPC's, you should be able to meet others. As such some of them NPC's will only have small snippets of quests here and there but that will change in the future, but for now we put more attention on the females do to Player Feedback from the Demo. Many wanted more urgency so I hope I delivered with this update. 

The 3 core NPC's again are Leonore, Leah, and Mina. Leah is an odd one but more on her later. Mina at the moment is now a Story NPC meaning before you can even go to the next Town after the Harbor update you will have to complete all of her quests. Leonore is a Story Character as well but I am more lenient with her. You can ignore her quests if you are weirded out by them and there will be no repercussions for it. Her journey is meant to run parallel with yours so she won't get in the way if you don't pursue her. 

Now on top of them I have added about 14+ quests for Lucy and Maria back on the starting Island. These will shape your relationship with them and also because of Lucy's Exclusive Character Quest, you will be changing her into something else. In return Maria has the only animation in the game. 

At the moment you are looking at around 2 hours of content with this update making it the length of the original demo which is great considering we have taken longer than we wanted to create everything. 

We are on track for the Release Date which is 7/26/19. We hope to start testing next week so our Two Current testers will be able to get their hands on the update. If you are not a Tester you should consider joining up to be one so you get access to the game before it reaches the public, a few days after Patrons. 

That should be it for this week. We hope to share the completed artwork for the above NPC's soon. Until then see you all next week for the next blog which will go over the Maria's Animation and a certain choice that may upset some but it was for good reason.

Take care!



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