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Hello all!

Since King's Fall has many NPC's we feel like we should introduce them all and explain what they do currently and what they will do in the future. These Introductory posts will be made a few times a week since there are a lot. 

This gives us some added transparency because you get to see small tidbits of information for what's to come just for that character.

Our first is Administrator!   

The Now: 

Admin is a girl with many talents, mainly she doesn't know when to shut up! She will talk your ear off and is known to be very annoying. In the game she introduces everyone to the Chosen One and is also there to cheer him up when he needs it. Later on in the Maple Island storyline she decides she doesn't want the Hero to leave so she produces a way to get him to stay. In a way it works. She loves to talk, she lost her remote, and she finds the Hero fascinating.

The future: 

Admin grew tired of waiting for the Hero to return so she will soon stalk him on his adventures. From the shadows she will follow him wherever he goes in order to see what a Hero even does. This will lead to many, ahem "Scenes" of the two bonding over the Adventure. You will run into her very soon or should I say, she will run into you!

The next one of these will go up in 2 days. Check back then to see who the next NPC is!

Progress on Lith is going as planned and we're mainly waiting on art to be finished. Once we receive some you will see what we are planning. Updates "soon"!



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