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EDIT: On seeing it uploaded I decided to add an extra image of LW blasting National City from space; now added

Hope you're keeping well,

The time's here for Livewire's final "Main story" chapter (that doesn't mean final chapter, just final part of Her introduction/deification arc) and crashes have made this one a bit of a pain to do but here we go! Hope you like it!

This one hops about a bunch of different locations: National City to begin with, then the ruins of National City (after Livewire vapourizes it) in the palm of Livewire's hand, then what we're calling "New Argo City" in the future, created by Livewire's prophet, Queen Kara (Supergirl in the future) before a brief stop-in with a shadowed individual as a hint at what happens next.

Quite the Odyssey but I really think Livewire going completely power-mad once She has the power is suitable and all this mass destruction and treating time like a plaything fits that quite nicely IMO.

Scripted stuff to come soon, but I wanted to share the raws as soon as I had them ready.

Stay beautiful, Smooth


Hello World
National City gets eye-beamed
Where am I?
Right here.
The future
The future throneroom
Queen Kara of New Argo City test
News 1
News 2


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