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Inque's on the hunt for answers with maybe a few snacks and thrills on the way!

As an aside Patreon now offers the option to subscribe monthly from the date you join rather than by calendar month (E.g. if you join on the 5th you're subbed until the 5th of the following month instead of the 30th/31st of the current month;) I'm strongly inclined to offer that as the method for my page as it seems it just makes more sense for those who like to join for a month at a time. Let me know if you guys have any issues with that because it might mess up dates with paydays etc. to worry about; otherwise I'll swap over to that soon :)

Hope you like Inque's story this month, stay tuned for another villainess having Her turn in the spotlight in shocktober ;)



Content rotation warning! In a few days the following will be removed forever! Download them now if you want to keep them!!!


https://www.patreon.com/posts/catwoman-big-cat-53913485 (Smoothest only!)


https://www.patreon.com/posts/mistress-lesion-54310589 (Smoothest only!)



Tre Nawoc

Love the second pic with Inque swallowing someone on a flat surface…


Well done! The water sprinkler trick was A-1