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Enough of the Dark Souls PvP kangaroos fights. Akin to modern games like Hellblade, Assassin's Creed or the Witcher, this duel oriented movement overhaul prevents you from running around during combat. You can walk, you can sprint, you just can't run around.
Dodging and stamina management becomes incredibly important as you can't just attack and run back anymore to get out of the enemy reach. It also makes the combat much more intense and focused. 
As you can't run you also want to be able to attack while sprinting. In the vanilla game you can get it thanks to the perk. You can download the optionnal SkySA esp to enable the normal sprint attack. To enable the power sprint attack you still need the perk
Magic is untounched, mages can run. You catch them with the sprint. I recommend

The new framework will contain an overhaul for mages too don't worry
Regarding the framework, the SKSE plugin is now in Alpha. You can see its WIP version here https://www.reddit.com/r/Skyrimguild/comments/n8jwrq/custom_motion_data_proof_of_concept/

Run Nemesis and tick the mod to install, also enable the ESP

Update 1.0.1 : Someway, somehow, the mod combined with SkySA bugged out for females. I don't get it, it doesn't make sense to me but well, it is now fixed
Update 1.0.2 : Totally changed the behavior edit method. SkySA now works as intended and this ridiculously stupid but that didn't make any sense is now removed



This looks awesome! Quick question, what are all of the Nemesis patches for? The first is clearly for this mod, but the other three, are they patches to use if you are using SkySA? If I'm not using SkySA, do I need to tick all four boxes on Nemesis? Likewise, if I don't use SkySA, do I need both ESPs?


lmao forget about it, I'm dumb I forgot to remove the rest. The rest will be uploaded later when it's fixed but right now it causes issues where the NPCs will stop attacking lol. I'll upload the file without these ^^ Tho, this is made to lock the movement during magic casting and blocking, but it's too WIP to be on Patreon right now. I'll upload them as soon as I have it all round ^^

Mark Fairchild

Any chance it will it work with DServant's 360 Movement? Or possibly replace it?


Dser 360 only touches animations without sheathed, while this mod touches animations with weapon un sheathed. They are both compatible and I in fact played with both (I used an older version of the mod that wouldn't cause bugs but would instead be much more stiff)


Damn, man, you’re doing some really impressive work. I would support you more, but right now my entire focus is on finishing my masters (don’t have time to work so I’m kinda tight on the money side) But damn, seeing people like you, who put all of themselves to make a better version of something that they love is truly remarkable. Keep it up mate


Forgive my ignorance please, but I'm just starting to understand how SkySA works -- Will this Arena Movement work with any animation set that has been made for SkySA or is there a certain animation pack that is made specifically for Arena Movement? Also, should we install each Arena Movement version (1.0.0, 1.0.1, and 1.0.2), or only whatever the latest version happens to be at the time, so 1.0.2 in this case? Thanks again for all of your wonderful work!


Yo, no worries. It actually works with and without SkySA. It's a separate mod, all my stuff is modular. You only need to install the last version ^^


Yo man, thanks for the support and all but like fr I'm not kidding. If you can't afford it : do not subscribe é_é


Yo send me your Discord


is there any way to make this apply to mages too or at least spell swords? I really like the change of pace


I'll have to check how it goes. The thing with AMR is it corrects a vanilla bug using a workaround because by using an actual proper method, the game bugs out either the males or the females if SkySA is used at the same time. It makes no sense to me, I don't get it but that's how it is. I'd have to go and check


For some reason I cant Sprint power attack :D What do i do wrong ? I have AMMCO 1.0.2 and Skysa Sprint attack enabled. Also ticked AMMCO on nemesis ( I have no option for the SPRINT in Nemesis)


The sprint attack should work as long as it overwrites SkySA. Does it ?


Love this mod, although is there a way to make it so you still walk in first person for the few times I actually use it? Toggling walk will make you move normally.


Hmmm, I don't actually know anything about first person. I'd have to investigate, I can't really promess tbh as most of the stuff is for third person


Hello Distar ! First thank you for your mods and the time you put in your impressive work ! i wish i could donate more to talented modders like you ^^ Do you know if there are any incompatibility issues with any mods or if this mod works on both LE/SE ? i cant manage to make it works and its slowly driving me crazy lol


Hello hello, it should work on both LE or SE. But if you have a mod such as Mortal Enemies or Engarde, it'll be overwritten. put the mod at the very bottom of your LO ^^

Aaron C Howe

Is there a way to make it apply to casters or when using a spell/weapon? There's a noticeable glitchiness to the running movement in combat with a spell/weapon.


This requires more work indeed to the behavior and the thing is, because of Bethesda, the last time I touched the behavior thing responsible for this, it cause a strange bug in SkySA were either one of the sex couldn't attack and would just constantly killmove. I'm currently crunching the dodge mod, I'll try to see what I can do


Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I can't seme to get this to work, I installed it via Vortex, made sure it was loading after SkySA, made sure the patch was loading after it, and ran Nemesis with the right options chosen, but in game my movement speed doesn't change at all. I'm using DAR, so not sure if that makes a difference, I'm also using most of the mods from the SkySA dopdown of "A WIP Guide to Overhaul Melee Combat" Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated Edit: Got it working, the mods incompatible with Immersive Animations, which I really should have guessed xD


Hello Distar ! Thx for the work, really. Can i ask you please if i can tweak the walking speed while weapon is sheated cause it feel too slow for me when i'm facing groups of ennemies. Where can i start searching to tweak the speed a little futher quick ?


Oh well, glad it's sorted. That's very strange tho. DAR shouldn't make a difference either. I think, it's just that you needed the AMMCO ESP at the very bottomof your LO


Yo Zaz. You can just DM me on Discord y'know lol. AMMCO edits very few values, you can just tweak them in xEdit or the CK


Ty for this great mod. I love your work.


Hey thanks. Ngl this mod is gonna be released for free very soon. It's been replaced by the dodge mod. I don't know if you've seen, I just released my custom controller config with separate button for normal and power attacks. You should try it 😁


This mod is the reason im playing again (along with the other mods you have on nexus).

Niels Germann

Really great, just doesn't work in first person for me, I have the default speed. (but the new slow speed is applied for a fraction of a second when I draw/sheathe a weapon, but will quickly go back to vanilla speed) I don't have the 1st person animations installed for SkySA (yet) tho (Are they compatible with "SIZE MATTERS - First Person Combat Animations Overhaul 2.0" ?) Thanks for all


Yo, ngl I don't know at all for first person, same thing for SkySA. I doubt it'd be compatible. As you can see on the modpage, I didn't make the 1st person version ^^


For some odd reason, CGO undoes the movement speed changes and I have searched for days to figure out why to no avail. I really want to get this to work because I very much enjoy the mechanics that CGO brings to the table, plus the slower paced and more thoughtful combat that AMMCO would offer.


That's the downside of using CGO. CGO doesn't care about compatibility a tiny bit, and does changes such as this one that just have no place in here. Very honestly, I'm not doing CGO patches for anything. My mods are made with compatibility in mind but it may happen sometimes that it can conflict with something else. If the mod is poopular enough, I'll patch it. It's just not the case for CGO that does wild edits everywhere and forces every modder to make patches for everything, including something like this that has absolutely no reason to conflict

Amrit Chana

Just want to +1 the request to apply the walk speed for spellswords (magic in left hand weapon in right hand). I really like playing a spellsword but there is no way for me to rationalize (almost) everyone besides me moving at a snail's pace. If there is any sort of fix I could apply myself to the esp I am all ears. Also, Distar, you are a god; thank you for making Skyrim a relevant game 10 years after its release.


Yo, I'm not working on SkySA anymore, but instead I'm making AMMCO into account for the next framework that I started working on again yesterday. Will come with basically a SkySA way to play spellword. Have fun !


I'm so confused! I only want to use the Sprint attack from this mod but it doesn't seem to work :(


Wait you sure. Damn, I didn't get anybody reporting me this issue. You just enabled and downloaded the sprint attack addon right ?