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Hey everyone and happy weekend (Happy Labor Day weekend to those here)!

I didn't get a lot of graphics done this week. In fact, I ended up having to work at the office all week. However, I did manage to go through and get some rewrites done on the next few scenes. Next week will be more of the same as I still have to finish replacing computers onsite (it's a huge place with a lot of users). But I plan to schedule myself some work time for LH in between as much as possible. I just wasn't able to do anything last week. I really want to keep moving and get this episode completed.

This weekend, we have my mother in-law here (she's in a wheelchair and requires special care) and some family coming so I'll have to spend some of it doing some entertaining. I think I've been roped into BBQing for everyone. So, there's that. But, tonight after everyone leaves and the mother in-law is settled, I'm going to try to get some renders done. I have scene 5 'mapped' already, so it should be pretty quick. The first few images are already done.

Well, keeping it short and sweet this week. I need to go get the grill ready and some meat seasoned up. Thankfully, it's not anything requiring a long cook, some burgers, sausages, and pork fingers pretty much. Go enjoy the weekend my friends, I'll be doing the same.

Love you all! -Fire




Cook some for me and have fun, or try to at least. I know family can be more exhausting than work. Take of the MIL, I know what dealing with someone in a wheelchair is like. I did it for 13years.

Aj Whitacre

don't sweat the small shit Fire your one person making VN and working full time we understand and are sticking here cause your stories are the best around and you also let us know what's happening i'm sub to others and they'll not even let us know what's going on for 2 or more months so no worries Fire and happy labor day