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Hey everyone!

I'm a day late with the devlog, but that's only because I didn't want to stop what I was doing yesterday. By the time I finished, it was already really late, and I couldn't keep my eyes open. So off to bed I went. I didn't get to scene 7 this week like I thought I would because I ended up extending the scene with Dezzy. It's still a fairly short scene, but I made some changes and spent a bit more time on it. I like how it came out. At this point, I'm starting on scene 5 (of 16 total). So still moving right along. The next few scenes should be fairly easy to do. The main thing that tends to slow me down a bit while developing each scene is when I see things that I need (or want) to change. Like what's being said, or maybe I don't like her facial expression and I change it. And sometimes when I see an opportunity for something funny to happen. I've gone behind myself many times and redone that last 5 to 10 renders because I realize something would be much cooler. So, I pretty much edit as I go along. And many times, I see or realize things I didn't while writing it.

Next week, I'll have to work at the office (full time job) for 2 or 3 days at least. I hate that because while working from home, if things are slow, I can get away with doing some renders. One of these days when I have enough money to do it, I want to buy a nice gaming laptop that can run studio so I can take some of my work with me to the office (and would also be handy if I have to travel for my job - like when I had to go to Houston recently). If I had a laptop while I was in Houston, I could have gotten a lot done in the evenings because there wasn't anything else to do but watch TV and play on my phone. Those trips like that are mega boring!

As for this weekend, I'm going to take a little break and play a few games today. Tonight, I'll probably knock out some scene 5 renders and try to go to bed at a decent hour. I have a few things I need to do tomorrow, but then I plan to do some more rendering before the work week starts. I'll probably chip away at renders in the evenings after work for the days I'm at the office. Hopefully by next weekend, I'll be at or close to scene 7.

This week's render: The ever sophisticated and elegant Chef Amanda with Mary... showing off their new uniforms. For the Patron (NSFW) version, check here:
Patron Special Images (Chef Amanda & Mary)

That's all for now my friends... as always, love you all and a huge thanks to those of you still supporting me. I really appreciate that; you have no idea. Talk again soon!





Perfect combination of dominant and sub servant, should be some great fun on the future.


Don't worry about rushing, we are here and not going anywhere, at least I am not. Great idea to get a laptop. I have Ryzen series 9, 79 something. I got a RTX 4090 with it, and 64gb ram ddr5 5600mhz. One of my family members bought it for me (for my belated birthday at the end of last year.) earlier this year. It is a 2023 model. Never owned an AMD machine before. Have a great weekend!


I've have intel/nvidia, amd/nvidia and lastly amd/amd and it's been the best performing comp I've ever had. One thing I like is even with the parts out of warrenty amd still talks to me. Nvidia just told me to buy a new gpu even thought it was their driver that broke it. Only issue I have though are windows.