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Happy Weekend everyone!

For this week's devlog, you'll be happy to hear that I am making a lot more progress now than I have in months. This weekend will see me completing scene 3 (of 16) and moving on to scene 4. Scenes 4 through 6 are all fairly short scenes (in between some longer scenes), so hopefully by next week's devlog, I should be close to or working on scene 7. When you look at it this way, it seems like it won't be long at all before we're posting up release dates (and I can't wait to do that). Of course, there is still the music, playtesting, etc... 

After giving it some thought, I have decided that once this update is released, I will do 2 Serenity updates before I come back to this one again. I have people thinking the game is abandoned and that just isn't true. I'll never abandon my babies, trust me on that. I have plans to steer Serenity back on track starting with the next release, story-wise. And it would be better for me to actually work on those next 2 updates together. I'll post more details about that for devlog 1 of the next Serenity development period. Serenity fans will want to be paying attention. I should be posting a lot of Serenity renders for both public and patron-only.

Anyway, back to Last Human... This episode will have an event with Dezzy. She hasn't had as much attention as the others, and that wasn't intentional. But we'll finally get to see what she is like outside of being the mostly quiet security chief. Dezzy is basically the masochist of the group. Don't worry, for those not a fan of that sort of thing, it is VERY tame stuff. I am not necessarily into 'pain' myself, but I thought it would be fun to explore that and make that part of her character (that was the idea back when I first created her). It will create some fun scenes that everyone should enjoy. I did some work on her to improve her appearance as well.

We'll also have an event with Natalie finally. I know she's a favorite of a few people out there. Her event will be cute, funny, and a little crazy. And as always, there will be other random events taking place. And of course, the episode begins by continuing where we left off with Lessnia (Nia) and that situation. I won't spoil that, but those who were worried about what happened at the end of last episode, you shouldn't worry at all.

Alright, that's it for this week guys. The render is of course Dezzy. I hope you guys have a great weekend! I'll be working on this next scene and probably taking breaks to play a few of my favorite AVNs.

Love you all, ...Fire



Arctic Wolf

Not sure who thinks you've abandoned Serenity. Surely it can't be anyone here as you literally mention it in just about every devlog. So unless they don't read the devlogs or they aren't part of your patreon there should be no reason for them to think you've abandoned Serenity. please keep up the excellent stories, as they are by far my favorite aspects of your games.

Aj Whitacre

you know your loyal to a creator when you cant get into your account so you make a new one and sub to fire right away im on here as art whitacre gotta have my last human and serenity best stories on here keep up the great work fire