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Happy weekend everyone!

So, in spite of a busy week at my full-time job, and a few unexpected situations... I can actually post that I have finally made some progress! As of yesterday, I completed scene 1 and started on scene 2. Scene 2 is a short scene (about 40 images) so I should knock that out today and be working on scene 3 over the weekend. I'm really happy with my decision to break these episodes into manageable scenes because now I at least feel like I am accomplishing something when I complete a scene. I did end up cutting a bit from scene 1 because reading back through it, it just seemed a bit too 'wordy'. The only drawback to that is now it will seem like another situation is resolved too quickly. But I'm not going to stress over that. There is enough detail in Lessnia's story arc, probably more than should be for a side character. So, I'm just going to move on. But she has a part to play in future episodes, so I wanted to give her some background.

I probably won't get the episode picker into this release because at this point, I just want to get the story to you guys. But probably in the next update to LH, I'll have it in there. I've had a few ask for a replay gallery. If I'm honest, I really hate replay galleries. They're a pain in the ass to setup and half the time, things break too easily (especially when I want to go back and redo/add stuff or improve scenes). I am not great at renpy programming. I know enough of the basics to do what I am doing. If I go too far outside of that, it starts to complicate things for me. So, if you're one of those who wants a replay gallery... maybe much closer to completing season 1 of LH, I'll put it in there. The replay gallery in Serenity (chapter 1) is kind of a mess.

Speaking of Serenity, in case you missed it in one of my previous posts... I am completely rewriting episode 3 of that one because I wasn't happy with what I had. I haven't written much at this point because I had to change my focus back to LH, so LH gets 2 updates in a row. But my plan is to bring Serenity back down to what it originally was... fun, sex, comedy, and low drama. Serenity is more of a 'happy place' and meant to be a peaceful, relaxing read that hopefully turns people on. Hence the title: Serenity. So, you'll be seeing some changes from episode 2 to 3 and going forward. We'll get back to granting wishes and generating fade and shade energy.

That's all I have for this week guys. Right now, it's a nice, slow day at the IT job, I am working from home, so it's an opportunity to get more done (hopefully it stays fairly quiet today but if not, I'll work tonight also).

Love you all,




Sounds like your staying busy between the job and game. Don't forget to take time to go out and touch grass.


I have to say and I am sure I speak for most people, I would hope (fingers crossed :) ), is that honestly nothing you can do is going to be too 'wordy'. You write fantastic stories, I loved every minute of Last Human just has I have with Serenity. I love to read what you write and that is one of the reasons I support you, please never think your work is too wordy, no matter what it can never be enough in my opinion. There are devs out there whose writing skills are just outright babbling nonsense a lot of the time. Then there are those who write too little and a lot of their scenes make little sense because of it. You on the other hand truly are on another level completely when it comes to writing, nothing you write is boring, you never write babbling expositions just to word fill scenes like I have seen elsewhere. I am sure most if not all of your fans and subscribers love every word you write. You clearly put a lot of work into what your writing, and with a lot of thought to go with it, which puts you far ahead of other developers in my opinion. Has I have said to you previously I think. I only have three favorite developers and that's you and K7 and Perverteer, and for me I love his MNM and MNF and of course Tales From The Void of which the latter I also subscribe to (it's probably not for everyone, but its very good writing nontheless in my opinion and the stories are great, but for me your honestly and truly far ahead of K7 & Peverteer too and what you personally put out for us subscribers, you also care what we think too. I love both you and K7's work, you spend a lot of time creating the stories, put lots of thoughts into what you both do, and I know for sure, unless you start killing Li's off which I know you would never do. There is nothing I wouldn't read that you write. I know great authors when I read their stories, the only problem is there is simply not that many out there, so please please never cut your work because it's too wordy, I love to hang on every word you write, and if you wrote novels, I would buy and read them too or listen to them on audible. You are a very special developer who really does care more about your work and what we think of it, and not just because we are subscribers. There are too few of you guys out there, that make a difference to people's lives, since I am going through a very dark period of my life again, just by doing what you do best writing stories, I love them and they somehow help me to cope. I better stop now, because I realized now what I wrote is too wordy hehe, but I just wanted you to know, what i feel on this, I hope you don't mind. Sorry if wrote too much here.


I just wanted to let you know, I am now a Fade Crown subscriber $25 a month I just upgraded my subscription to you, I hope this can help you out. I just wish I could help you out a little more by subscribing to $50 a month, it's just too far out of my reach, I am sorry.

art whitacre

take your time fire your doing more then one person should we understand and can wait