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Hello everyone...

It has been about 7 weeks since my last public release (Last Human). And it has been a rough period. During that time, I was back and forth writing the next episode for Serenity Chapter 2 (episode 3). Monday night, I read through what I had, and I just hated it. It seemed like my depression had an effect on what I was writing, plus having written pieces here and there, it was too disjointed. That just won't do. Lately, I have good and bad days. Today is a good day (and there are more good days than bad now). But I am so unhappy with this episode that I am scrapping it completely. With it being almost 2 months since my last release, and because I already have the next episode of Last Human written and outlined, I am going to shift over to getting that episode done instead. I'll come back to Serenity after that.

I know that some of you won't like that at all and I'm sorry. But writing the next Serenity episode, well it's a big update. I would be 3 or 4 months out from getting it completed at this point and I am not up to rewriting it right now. I know there are also a lot of Last Human fans out there that might be excited about this change. And I am NOT going to abandon Serenity. I just can't commit to starting over on that one at this time, especially when I know I have a huge head start already on episode 3 of LH. What it boils down to is this: I am excited at the idea of working on LH right now. I just don't feel that way with Serenity knowing that I'd have to start from scratch. With my focus going that direction, it would be a bad idea to do that because I'd just end up repeating the same issue.

With all that said, I am officially putting the Serenity update on the back burner and will instead work on Last Human episode 3. I'll circle back to Serenity after this of course. Mentally, this is where my head is at right now. It is also a big update, and one that I think LH fans are going to really enjoy. Now, I could still be 2 months, maybe 3 out from this release. But I am in a much better place getting LH done. Hopefully after working on this, and the passing time, I'll feel more passion for writing a proper episode for Serenity Chapter 2. Today, it just isn't there.

Anyway, I hope you guys are okay with this. I know it isn't the best news to hear for those of you who are here for Serenity. I just know that if I try to start over on that right now, it won't be the best episode it can be. And with all the mistakes I have already made with that story, I need it to be my best. I have already begun coding LH episode 3 and also finding some assets I'll need for the artwork in preparation for the rendering stage. So, there is still plenty of work to be done, but at least I don't have to rewrite that one.

I'll post another devlog/update soon. Right now, I want to get back to coding episode 3 (LH). With any luck, I can finish that in just a couple of weeks then get to rendering. Thanks for the feedback, well wishes and support as always. I love you guys, ...Fire



If the quality was going to suffer then I'd say it's rhe right call.


don't worry firey we love both so either way we are happy and we are even more happy if you put your own health first so take your time you hear <3

David Rose

Definitely agree with Obi. I like both games and am happy to play whichever you want to work on and provide us. I also want you to stay healthy.


I agree with all the above. If you are in a better mind set for LH go for it. I like both and either or is GREAT!


This is your story, your vision, we're just here to enjoy it. Take your time and do what you need to make it so your happy. We will wait and enjoy LH in the mean time.


that's fine whatever you need to do hope everything get better for you

Anthony Docimo

we are okay with whatever you like & whatever you want to do. we'd rather have you than a game - but having both you and a game is a bonus.


Do what you need to, we understand what you are going through. Most have been there at one point or another. And to switch gears for LH instead of Serenity because that's were your mind takes you then we are happy either way. I am also glad to here that you are slowly getting better and continue to get better.

Shane Ducharme

You do what YOU think is best Fire! As a writer myself, I can understand that moment when we look at our work and just know something is not right. Switching gears is always a good option. We fans will be here supporting you! Your mental health is most important. It is good to hear that your good days are outnumbering the bad ones.


I'm happy with whatever you chose to do. Inspiration comes as it will. I like both games very much and have no preference as to which you work on. Your happiness and health should be the first priority.


My old man used to say "This too shall pass" whenever I went through tough times and he was always right. You'll work through this and become a better writer/artist for it. Count on it.


Take the time you need to feel better. Whatever your creativity allows, I accept it very gratefully. How long it takes is not a priority, your health comes first!


Don't think you have to worry N2TheFire, I'm pretty sure everyone who loves Serenity also loves Last Human. Both are vary good stories, and it's cool they are both part of the same multi-verse.