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Hello again my patrons. First devlog for patrons of this development period. Let's get right down to business...

First thing I want to say is that Episode 3 is going to see some new story elements. Mostly with how Mike is starting to act. For all those bitching that Mike is a pushover, too passive, etc... You'll be in for a surprise. After everything he has been through since this all started, he is beginning to take control. And never before like he will in this episode. In the beginning, the girls will be pushing... guiding him in the direction he needs to be going. But the light is going to come on.

With the introduction of the dark flame (Anastasia), we're going to learn a lot of things about the past... why 'Daddy' turned the way he did... How Mom ended up with the white flame... Camilla and Shade will show their true forms on the dark side. Everything will go sideways for everyone. And this episode will have a cliffhanger at the end (I know, I am sorry. I can't avoid it because it is simply way too much story to do in one episode). But trust me please and let me work the story.

The image I've shared with you here is not exactly from the episode (yet). It is definitely an accurate representation of what we're going to see though. And yep, that is Shade. I recently posted a video of the 'Guardian'... (the girls in their combined state). You see her again in the foreground here. No, I'm not going to show her face. I'd rather you see that in the playthrough. This is honestly a lot more spoil than I actually wanted to give. Anyway...

I started coding about a week ago and I still have a long way to go. This one is more challenging to write. Imagine writing a conversation with a girl that has the characteristics of five different girls. Plus, because there will be so much going on at one time, I'm trying to be careful not to overlap and switch scenes too often (I hate when games do that). The graphics for this episode are going to be the most work I've ever done for any update before now. Lots of effects, and framerate killing stuff that I'll have to push through in order to get the shots I really want to have for this. As you know, Serenity is a lot more 'sex involved' than Last Human. And this episode is going to have quite a bit of it. This means a lot of animations (more than my last LH update had). I'm really not trying to hype you up too much LOL. I just want to give you some insight on how big an update this is going to be. So be patient. I am asking a lot of myself for this, but it is what I want for Serenity.

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the Last Human update that was released recently. I received a lot of very positive feedback. I'm so happy with how that one is going, and I cannot wait to work on the next episode. I have so much content prepared for it... I even have some of it coded already.

Alright I'll stop here. I have a fuck-ton of work to do and need to get back to it. For those of you who recently subbed, thank you very much for that. I really do appreciate when people are willing to pass on some of their money for my project. It tells me I'm doing something right. So, I'll try not to let you guys down! Oh, and I'll get some patron-only renders up very soon, so keep an eye out for that.

I love you guys... Stay tuned for more devlogs and special images coming soon.




Now I am intrigued about this episode like never before.


Love your stories, keep it up! :-)


sounds really intriguing :-) can't wait for the next update, looking forward to seeing how they combine, have you been watching Dragonball Z ?