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Hello Serenity fans!

With the latest version of Last Human about to go public (free), and after taking a break from dev stuff during that two-week period... It is now time to revisit the world that is Serenity and fill you in on my plans for how this thing is going to finish out. With the episode 3 update, you may notice some changes in how the story and characters progress going forward. In the beginning (Serenity Chapter 1), I made a lot of mistakes. Well, 'mistakes' might be a bit harsh. My writing wasn't that great and a lot of things just kind of ended up getting way off from the way Serenity was originally written. It is so far off from that version that I don't even use it for reference anymore. And since I got so much feedback against the idea of doing "Re:Serenity", I'm going to do my best to (sort of) get things back on track. As a result, we're going to see a bit more drama, a new enemy, and even some weakness in Mike... Plus, we'll see something we should have seen in Serenity a long time ago... the 'convergence'. More on that in the spoiler paragraph below. What I'm about to tell you is all spoiler material - so skip the next paragraph if you don't want to be spoiled.

(SPOILERS AHEAD!!! You've been warned)

Many of you love Serenity 'as is'. But what you probably don't know is that what was supposed to happen during the stuff with Demitre didn't. Unfortunately, I rushed the story, and you can see that plain as day when you play through that. It's like, one scene - bad stuff starts happening... only a few scenes later, it's all better now! It's just not as good as the original arc. But, instead of trying to rewrite stuff, I'm going to press on and just do things better. Now for the big spoiler (SPOILER AHEAD... like really don't read this if you hate spoilers). The original (main) girls that have ascended (Kat, Morgan, Rin, Jasmine, and Lena), in Mike's time of need, were supposed to converge into one really bad ass girl that would have common features with most or all of the girls. Together, they are his weapon, sorceress, shield, fire goddess, and most importantly, heart (respectively). Episode 3 will be titled: The Princess of Chaos. As you can determine by that name, it will focus on Camilla. When we left off in episode 2, Mike found out that he needs to find the 'Dark Light'. He already carries the white light. He will need to face the dark light and take it in order to bring balance back to the fade and shade. But, the dark light is going to find him... through Camilla. You're going to start seeing some darker themes in the story, that are not resolved nearly as quickly. This balance thing with the dark light was originally going to be about 4 episodes long, with a 5th and 6th dealing with the endings (yes, you're going to have some choices for endings, but pretty much just deciding who to impregnate (one or all of the main girls I listed above). Those last 2 episodes will take the longest to complete, with each update to them adding a path to an ending where you will see your children with each 'mother' (from your choices). Or if you impregnate all of them, there will be an ending for that as well. So you'll want to make saves at that choice screen so you can come back and see the different endings. Now, I can't say all of this without bringing up Lili. If you didn't know, Lili was a character in Oppai Odyssey (a game by my good friend Cryoxxx). She was never really a part of the original story, but more an idea I had along the way. Lili has a major role to play during this dark period in the story - She is a Valkyrie, and that comes from Mike's recent exposure to Fereldan. I haven't decided yet how I will handle the end of her arc, but she is supposed to return back to her own world (back to OO) after she does her part in this event. I haven't discussed this situation with Cryo yet, so we'll see how that goes. Oh, and don't worry, we'll get some sweet time with Milanna later ;)


Okay, no more spoilers from here on out. So, as you can see, I am preparing you for the endgame here. Before you panic, we've got a LONG way to go before the ending yet. The episodes should be pretty long (at least as long as LH episode 2 was) - maybe longer. But they are also going to be a LOT of work. I didn't quite have the knowledge/ability to give the Demitre saga the big show I really wanted to. But this next arc is definitely going to get that extra attention - NO matter how long it takes me to do the update. So be prepared to wait and be patient with me. I'll try to keep you updated weekly as always and patrons will get some nice preview shots and story hints along the way.

That's all I wanted to say for now. So, strap in dream writers... Serenity will get a bit crazy from here on out! But I think you'll all love the outcome. :)

Love to all, ...Fire




That was a lot to take in. Merging the girls in a time of extreme crisis and the pregnancy part. I will have to play all the routes.

Shane Ducharme

Looking forward to where this story goes and will be patiently waiting for each chapter. I can understand what you were saying about how things were planned to where it was released. We writers are our own worst enemy sometimes.


YES! While the darkness brings with it some trepidation, I like it. Not all is happiness and puppies. Puppies grow up and eat your couch and tables and walls. and then they grow up and it gets better.


I'm so excited for this part of the story I have to force myself to slow down and do it right. :)

david onan

wish they would let us have choices during the game just reading isnt really a game