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Last Human version 0.5 (Episode 2)

New images: 1367
Animations: 18
Lines of code: 3511
New music added: 21 tracks
Read time (approx.): 90 minutes

Important Release Notes!!:

I have added a feature that will allow you to change the name for "pet" (term of endearment). You will need to start a new game so that you can enter that. Otherwise, it will show up in dialog as the variable: [pet]. I have added a CHOICE at the beginning of the game where you can jump to episode 2 if you don't want to start over. I apologize for that inconvenience. Just start a new game, enter your chosen names, then you can choose to skip directly to the beginning of episode 2, or play through it all.

I hope you guys enjoy it!

Download Links:

PC/Windows: LastHuman-0.5-pc.zip (1.2gb)

MAC: LastHuman-0.5-mac.zip (1.1gb)

Android: LastHuman-0.5-android.apk (1.2gb)

(Android users! Please note: if you have trouble downloading the android apk, it is NOT me or my links. It is your phone or your ISP. Make sure you have free storage space first. If you use a VPN on your phone to download from MEGA and have issues, try without the VPN. If you don't use one and have issues, you may NEED a VPN. You can also try turning off wifi (or turning it on). I cannot help you download the game. Ask other android users if you have issues.)




My morning is set now.