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Hey everyone, I went ahead and closed the poll since the results were pretty much there already.

My decision may surprise some of you. I am going to add the option to change 'pet' to a word of your choosing. In fact, I already did. Looking at these results. 22% of you would prefer the option to change it. Since this option allows you to keep using the word 'pet' as I'd chosen to write in the story, it makes sense to give you the option and hopefully keep 22% more of you happier with the game.

Although I know I cannot make 'everyone happy', I see this as one of those rare opportunities where I can actually make most people happy. And it's an easy implementation.

Now, this does change things quite a bit because when episode 2 is released, it means you may need to restart your game. This shouldn't be too big a deal since there is only one episode to skip through, plus it keeps me from having to add more complicated coding. So, now is the best time for me to implement this change before we have too many episodes completed.

Thanks for participating in the poll! Wow, 235 voted! Stay tuned, I should have a preview image for patrons next week for devlog 3! :) 



Also that your doing this early on in the games helps, since it's less to have replay through. It's a severe turn off when you have to restart and there's 2+ hours you have to replay. I've seen it done at 4hrs of play.


I've been fairly lucky that a lot of people don't seem to mind playing through my story again, so theres that too :D


A decent compromise. I'm fine with pet. I love it actually. but easy to code in.


It's a cool option and it doesn't change anything for me so go for it. You make some damn fine games anyways


Only problem I had with the term "pet" on my first playthrough is I thought it literally meant pet as we think of dogs, cats and other home pets. Wasn't until the vary end of chapter 1 that it's explained what pet ment in human terms


Honestly, I kind of like it like that. The player learns more about Pantherian culture as the Captain does, which makes sense.


Yep, played all three through multiple times now!


22% is still a fair amount of your following. And it shows that you do listen to your followers (within reason). Now I am curious to see if the MC asks them, the girls, to call him something different, or if the game has a generic 'enter what you want to be called?'.


Just Serenity and Last Human so far, to busy to add another game.


I think that way is the best Solution! So you can make Everyone happy...