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Hey everyone! First week of development for episode 2 has passed and I am already at the end of the coding process. That means I'll start working on graphics this next week. I gave myself a nice head start by starting on coding just after releasing Serenity's update. So, this is already well ahead of schedule!

I've been going through comments and private messages via all of my different sites/platforms. Something that seems to stick out is the word 'pet' being used as a 'pet' name. I don't know why this is such a big deal to some people, but with so many different languages and beliefs, I can't argue with it, and I won't. So here is your chance to help decide.

First, I want to answer the question of why I chose to use 'pet'. About one year ago, I played the AVN Alexandra by Ptolemy. (Spoiler alert for Alexandra and LH ahead) During the story, Alexandra calls the MC 'Puppy' as a pet name. I really liked that. Of course, I didn't want to copy him, but I wanted something like that. Since there is already a 'puppy' in LH (starting with episode 2 - you'll see), I decided on 'pet'. Sometimes my wife will call me pet. Although it is meant in an endearing way, some apparently take is as more of a 'Master' and 'Pet' dom situation. Anyway, moving on...

I can add an option just after naming your MC where you can change the pet name used in LH. It is NOT a big deal to do this, it's a simple line of code I can add, and I'll simply 'find/replace' the word "pet" where it has already been used with the variable representing your choice. Now, please keep in mind that the word you choose will replace the word 'pet' wherever it is used... sometimes when the girls are referencing you, and sometimes when you reference them. You could change it to something more common like Morgan's pet name for you in Serenity: Lover.

Thanks for following and supporting! Cast your vote now while I get to work on rendering images for this update. I'll let the voting run for 3 days and whatever the outcome, that is the way I'll go.

Love to all!



The way you made it with they way they used "pet" is perfectly fine. Even the queen explained to the MC saying "they will serve you". He may be the pet, but he is still the one on control.


a lot of words have a negative and a positive sadly enough peeple tend to always hear the negative even when it is said in a positive way you do you firey


I´m perfect fine with "pet", especially after the really nice explanation in the game itself. Can´t see any real problems here...


A pet isn't a pet without a master in my view. Submission and subservience is assumed and expected. To accept being called a pet is to accept being a sub of someone else. The MC in Last Human however is definitely not a sub. That said, this comes down to the preference of each player and what their perspectives and experiences are. I personally would hate being called "pet." For me it would be the same as someone saying I'm "their bitch" and implies inferiority. No thanks. I think a made up Neko word for "lover" would have worked really well and could have been explained in the dialogue just as easily. The use of the term "Khaleesi" instead of "Queen" in the GoT series is a good example. Can you guess what my vote in the poll is? :-) Terminology aside however, I'm loving the game & concept!

Scott Wulf

It is a cultural custom, and something that should be respected due to that being the case. It can be challenging for some with certain issues, but this is not like that scene in Serenity, this is a matter of a custom of a species, even if it is something you created, that matters not. One should learn to respect others customs, especially when coming into them, and not try to force them to change, or you to change how you have designed them. Offering pet names down the line, I say go for it, but honestly speaking, and this was after having to do some thinking myself over it, and talking myself down, if people don't like it, they don't have to play.


I have no problem with the word 'pet' it is explained perfectly well in the game itself. I also do not have a problem if you add another option to change it either, so people stop being grumpy and maybe not want to subscribe to you anymore for something as innocent as this.


On principle, the whole reason I'm here is to experience your vision of the world of The Last Human. I'm not here to experience something that I wrote or ideas that I came up with. If I inject my own ideas into The Last Human, then I'm eroding your vision and replacing it with mine. In order to maintain the integrity of your vision for the world of Last Human, I would say keep it as is.


Personally, I am fine with the way the story is written. Although I also know that most of us like to personalise the storyline to fit our wants. I chose to request toallow the option because the word 'pet' could be taken as a submissive role and cause many to dismiss the rest of the story and miss out on the rest of the VN.


Imma rename mine where they call me their bitch. 🤣


I believe others have said this, but here's my two cents. If it won't cost much to make it something that can be configured, then I am all for it. Having said that, I also understand what your current intention is, and don't plan to actually change things. I do find the word usage to be a bit weird, but I think that is mostly because we don't have enough chapters for the ideas behind it to have been explored properly.