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Tiers: Fade Visitor

Here is version 0.3 of Last Human Episode 1:
(I had to fix a missing image and reupload)


PC/WINDOWS: LastHuman-0.3-pc.zip (415mb)

MAC OS: LastHuman-0.3-mac.zip (398mb)

ANDROID: LastHuman-0.3-android.apk (419mb)


Scott Wulf

Just as I am heading to bed, this pops on...tomorrow morning I will be playing this! I have been looking forward to it with baited breath, but a good nights sleep comes first!


That was AWESOME! I really enjoyed my first run-through (you know me, it will be the first of many run-throughs), huge for a first release as well. First of all I didn't run across any bugs, so give yourself a pat on the back from me for that m'dude. I wasn't expecting the animations so they were really cool to see. All the assets in the game fit the sci-fi theme nicely so far, nothing appeared in any of the scenes that made me think "why is that there?". Really really liking the Neko's as well (I mean, who doesn't??) and their characters/personalities are coming across as being really well thought through. I like Nat a lot already as she seems to be a mix of Lena and Jas from Serenity and Lexi reminds me of a Rin/Kat/Morgana combo which is a slightly terrifying yet also exciting thought...and...and....and...... I'm gonna start properly gushing if I carry on, I need to run through it again....for research purposes...yeah, lets go with research ;) Well done N2, really really well done. Thank you for what is clearly some very hard work.


I'm so excited. I want more and more, but I will temper myself with patience and wait.


Ho- ly shit, Head Ex- plod_ ing......... I thought "Serenity" was great - this is going to be amazing! I was ambivalent about Nekos before but "Serenity" and now "Last Human" have made me a Neko fan-boy!


Played through this morning and I really enjoyed it. I was thoroughly amused at the use of the Soviet N1. Captain Trent really did an amazing job considering that was more than 1000 years old!


Yeah it was the only rocket asset I could find that didn't look stupid.


In many ways the N1 was a brilliant and ambitious rocket project, and it very nearly succeeded. If it had had proper support from a functional government and access to more advanced computer systems for engine control, it likely would have been a big advancement in rocketry. Glad to see it succeed somewhere!


Hah! just noticed the text for the Nanobot network, too. My first playthrough was on mobile so I couldn't read it. Now I'm on my desktop. That's great!


Just finished playing it and man you do some good story telling. A little cliche at times with feelings but its a GOOD cliche. I cant wait for the next chapter. Thanks for your great works


That was a VERY promising start. What we have seen of the ship so far looked great. The cast was at least as good as the previews suggested. The story was good. The music selection was up to your usual levels of excellence. I am definitely hyped for where this one is going.