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Alright, where do I start? If you're on my discord, you probably already know what I am dealing with. But read on anyway for clarity and new details.

So, on Saturday a huge "tree" fell out of the huge tree in my back yard. Yes, I said a "tree" fell out of it because they are not branches. Anyway, this thing took out the power line and internet lines that feed my house, ripped my shed apart, and damaged part of the roof of my house. As a result of this, an unfortunate series of shitty events has taken place. The power surge killed my fridge. We ended up losing most of our food we had in there before it suddenly decided to start working again (mind you, I had just basically taken out a loan to buy a new fridge to replace it). I ended up taking off from my regular job Monday and Tuesday to meet insurance adjuster and the internet people. Power was restored the night that it happened. But I had to wait until Tuesday (yesterday to those of you in the states) for internet to be restored.

As I type this, I have power, the AC is kicking again, and internet is up (obviously). However, I ended up having to work at the office today and will have to do so again tomorrow. You see, Mondays and Tuesdays are the days I work in the office - the rest of the week, I work from home. And working from home gives me some time to work on the game as well. 

With that said, all the renderings for the first episode of Last Human are complete. I am just about halfway through the script in choosing and adding music. And I have already proofread most of it a few times over. So, we're looking at a possible beta release for patrons sometime this weekend if I can get the music finished. I still have a lot to deal with... new fridge being delivered, guys coming to cut up the "tree" that's still laying in my yard, some other guys coming to clean up the yard and cut down the 5 feet of grass back there... and the list goes on. So, I'm trying to work around all that. Trust me when I say I'd rather be doing THIS than all that bullshit so I look forward to those moments when I can come into my air-conditioned office and work on LH. And I am determined to get this thing out there for you guys.

I'll post a release schedule once I have the beta built and uploading. And damn near as soon as I complete that, I'll shift back into "Serenity" mode and begin working on Episode 2 of Chapter 2. Well, I'll probably take a few days break between, but it will be a short one. I still have custom CG's for my Crown Tier patrons to complete after all.

I'll post again once I see where I am at this weekend. If all else fails, I may be open to letting it go out with a bit less music than I planned and just add more to it later. I'd appreciate your thoughts on that; you know that the music is just as important to me, so I spend a lot of time trying to choose songs and put them in the right places.

That's all for now, love you guys and thanks for the continued support!





Yay! Thanks for the update. I feel bad about the craptastic weekend you had, but life does that at times. Be safe man.


Initial, "I'm too tired to really be posting responses" thought. From what I have come to know of you, you would be somewhat unhappy to release Last Human's debut in an unfinished state. It would add to the emotional stress of having to deal with all that extremely unpleasant mess. I would rather you take the additional time to get this first release at the state you believe the game deserves, rather than get it early. The stress of "making us wait" will be less in the long run than whatever lingering doubts you will have from that first LH release not being ready. Also, my other deleted post was literally the first two words of this. because, again, I am probably way too tired right now to be responding. Sorry to hear about the house. Hope the recovery effort goes smoothly.