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Hey everyone,

For today's devlog, I'll cover a few things that have come up. But first, I hope you're all doing well, staying happy, and feeding the fade. :)

In my last post, which was the Patron devlog last week, I mentioned that I am about 70% done with images. Coding is complete, new menu and animated image for that, and the episode guide is together and works how I want it to. Beyond the images left to pose/render, there is just the music and proofreading which I always do together.

Now, most know that this Patreon stuff is NOT my main source of income. I am a long way from that happening yet. So, I still count on my full-time job to keep the bills paid. And as always seems to happen over the last 6 months, that job has been demanding of my time. I mostly work remotely, from home. I'm a network admin, and we take care of 7 different companies. Most of the time, things are pretty relaxed and slow... I can quietly work on Serenity on my computer while if anything comes up for my job, I have that laptop sitting next to me.

One of the sites we maintain has had a lot of issues due to really old wiring (they still have cat 4 network cable in places!). Because of that mess over there, I've been having to actually go to the office and also to the site all of this week and part of last week. And will probably be doing this the rest of the week and part of next.

Anyway, as you might imagine, that puts a really heavy dent in my time to work on the game. It is very difficult to work on these VN's in short, half-hour to one-hour intervals here and there. Very little has been done since my post last week. This stuff happens though, and not much I can do about it. But it will calm down again at some point and I'll have full days again where I can get a lot more work done. It's just the way things are for me, and I'll continue to keep you guys updated on how things are going.

Just don't lose faith in me. I am determined to make this work and keep going. Whether you pay or not, keep following and watching for my updates. I LOVE doing this and even though my job will cause some delays sometimes, my stories will still get done. I appreciate the patience and the messages from some of you encouraging me! If I could quit that full time job, and just do this every day, shit that would be my own personal Serenity. No lie. But that will happen one day. For now, I'll just do my best and keep you guys informed. I'll post again once things settle down and I actually get some more work done.

That's all for now, love you guys!



I for one am happy that you comunicate to us where you are with things. Keep up the great work you do, and I hope to see more of Lina in the near future. And also a little bit of Last Human.

Anthony Docimo

thanks for the heads-up and news; you trust us, and we trust you. just be sure you rest when you can.