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So, I have definitely been busy working on Serenity Chapter 2's first episode (and that is coming along well by the way). But as I said I would do; I have also taken small breaks (a day here and there) to work out the issues I ran into that caused me to put off work on Last Human. It is important to me that the vision I have for LH can be pulled off. That said, I've had to abandon the use of an external software for the space scenes as I had previously planned after finding it just wasn't going to work out the way I thought. The mismatch between the incredible graphics from that just doesn't look right mixed with HS2 graphics. Not saying that HS2 graphics looks bad... but there is a level of "realism" in the other software that is just too noticeable to use.

So, now I'll be focusing on what I can create myself in HS2. There are some very complicated scenes planned for LH and in order for me to reliably produce this thing, I have to pre-make many base maps (scenes). For those, I am still looking for some custom assets, and I'll be tediously "building" structures from scratch where I can't find what I want. As some of you may know who have used HS or HS2 (or even AI), it can take a long time to get things to look exactly right. But once I have enough pre-built scenes created that I feel like I can work with them through a few episodes, then I'll actually start to render scenes for Episode 1 of LH.

The image attached is just a simple rocket blasting off from Earth. I have 9 versions of that same shot (different skies, different effects, blah blah fucking blah) but that is what I do (even with Serenity) sometimes. I'll make several then pick the one I like best. And even then, I may still make a lot of adjustments. And then I also debate on animating that blast-off... or not. I enjoy animations but creating them takes a long time. I may still choose to do that if I feel like it pushes the scene further. I usually reserve animations for lewd scenes, but I can see now that pushing myself outside of my comfort zone here might be the best option. We'll see though (if I can do it).

Anyway, just thought it was time I gave you guys some LH news so that you know I am actively working on that (on the side). It could be that after the first episode of Serenity chapter 2 is released, I may spend the next development period working on the first episode of LH. I never know though until the last minute - just depends on where I'm at and if I think I can get it done. At any rate, even if it's a while before episode 2 of LH is under development, I would really like to get the first episode out asap, so you guys get a nice introduction to that and what it's all about.

That's all I have for now. Back to work on Serenity C2. I'll post again soon!




Love your work can’t wait for serenity ch2 to come out and same for last human


Thanks as always for the update Fire. Your work is among the best I've ever seen.