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Hey guys! And gals... I know there's a few of you out there!

Well, I just wrapped up the script today and have it all coded into the new build. I have some code work to do as I now have a fancy new menu and want to get that a bit more organized, plus create a new animated image for the main menu screen. I also need to create the "Episode Guide". Yes, that's right... Serenity will now have an episode guide ("Episodes" in the menu). When Chapter 2 is complete, rather than using save files, you will be able to go here and just start your favorite episodes. You can of course still use save files, but since Serenity is kinetic and basically like a series you watch/read, I thought it would be a neat thing to have.

Episode 1 will have a lot going on because we're trying to get situated... Get each character into their 'role' in the story and MC will begin to take a back seat to wishes on Earth and dealing with most mundane work they'll be doing. Also, we'll address the girls' woeful handling of Marissa. They need training! We'll get a peek at that aspect of the series in this first episode. You'll basically learn how that training is going to happen. And we'll finally get to see the girls using their powers in a big way. Action scenes are something I'm not terribly experienced with yet, but I am super excited to work with them. Not to mention the effects I'll get a chance to play with a lot more. I can't wait to let these girls really show off their skills!

Update Patches are going to be a thing from now on. I'll still include the full build with all current episodes with each release - but I'll also include an update patch that will add the next episode to your game, provided you already have the most recent, fully up-to-date game folder. This should address any complaints about download size for those who don't pay for MEGA.

First Release will happen 'when it happens'. I don't want to set dates anymore, it's too stressful because I feel like I must meet that deadline. I can't say for certain it will be ready by the end of this month, but it may be close. I have around 800 images to render plus 2 videos that will be a few minutes each. Also, the "Episodes" page (mentioned above) needs to be created/coded in, and the menu image animation. It's a lot to ask anyone to do in a short period. And my goal is to take my time with this and make it the best I can. Just meaning that I will spend any necessary time needed to make sure each scene is the way I want it to be.

Last Human will be getting some attention as I have time. The main thing is... I am focused 100% on Chapter 2 for now. Eventually there will come a point where I will start to really get some work done with Last Human again. I want that game to have the same type of interface as Serenity Chapter 2 - with the episode guide and everything. So, it will be very similar in that respect.

Anyway, that's all I have for now. It's quite a lot of work as you can see. So be patient with me and know that I am putting my all into this. I have a lot more good story for Serenity and it's going to be fun! Now, it's time to plug in, and get down to business. I'll post again soon with the public devlog. :) 

Love you all,



Like your ideas Fire. I'll just have to remember not to delete the Serenity folder! I'm assuming the patch will replace the old "game" folder. Thanks for all your high quality work.